How to Advocate for Incorporating a Global Perspective or lens in a Local Practice as a Nurse Leader

How to Advocate for Incorporating a Global Perspective or lens in a Local Practice as a Nurse Leader


As a nurse leader, promoting a global perspective in local practice can benefit healthcare providers and patients. As a nurse leader, one must incorporate a global perspective into my local convention. A global perspective helps to broaden our understanding of healthcare and nursing, and it can provide us with new ideas and best practices that we can use in our healthcare systems (Tinanoff et al., 2019). By taking a global perspective, we can learn from the experiences of other countries and adapt those lessons to the unique needs of our community. Incorporating a global perspective into my role as a nurse leader requires a multi-faceted approach. First, I would seek out and attend international conferences and seminars on healthcare and nursing. This would allow me to learn from experts in the field and network with other nurse leaders from around the world. By attending these events, I would gain a better understanding of the latest research, trends, and innovations in healthcare, and I would be able to bring these ideas back to my practice (Lilienfeld et al., 2018). Second, I would work to establish partnerships and collaborations with healthcare organizations in other countries. These partnerships would allow me to exchange information and best practices with my colleagues and will enable me to observe and learn from other countries healthcare systems. This collaboration would also help foster a sense of international community and cooperation, benefiting everyone involved.

The Impact of the Incorporation of Global Perspective or Lens on the Local Practice and the Role of a Nurse Leader

Incorporating a global perspective or lens into a local practice may significantly impact the nurse leader’s role. This approach can broaden the understanding of healthcare issues and promote culturally competent care. It also enhances the ability of a nurse leader to address global health disparities and advocate for equitable healthcare access. As a nurse leader, having a global perspective can inform decision-making and enhance the development of innovative solutions to complex healthcare challenges. It also supports the creation of partnerships and collaboration within international organizations and communities to improve health outcomes globally (Campbell-Barr & Bogatić, 2017). Additionally, incorporating a global lens can also enhance the education and training of nurses, preparing them to provide care in a rapidly changing and diverse world. By embracing diversity and cultural differences, nurse leaders can foster an inclusive work environment and promote respect for all individuals and communities.

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