How to Be Successful in College Essay College success

How to Be Successful in College Essay College success


Entering in college is a step toward success but succeeding in a college is a dream come true. Success in college means that you have enough knowledge, confidence and skill that you can adjust yourself in any environment and any place. Success in college means more opportunities and more successful life. Succeeding in college means respect, you are consider to be a knowledgeable person and you can provide benefit of your knowledge to your society.

It’s a fact that success in college is more personal, it’s more about personal confidence which means that now nothing could stop you in succeeding in life and it an inner happiness and satisfaction. As per as I am concerned I am very clear about my studies. I will do more than my best to gain as much knowledge as much possible for my own satisfaction and to have a more respectful job and to spend a better and happier life.

My strategy for college success

Self Management

The most important thing is self-management and it’s now time to accept responsibility of learning and exclude or reduce all purposeless activities and to be a better student and will enjoy my college activities.

Stay Motivated and Organised

I have a positive attitude to stay motivated and organized so I can achieve my goals. I have scheduled my priorities that will ensure I always get the important things done, like studies, while balancing my time among school, work, and social life.

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Proper Attention

It’s really important to keep attentive during your studies I will try to stay focused during my studies and assignments and also trying to keeps notes for my future use.


It’s really important to interact well with instructors and fellow students in and outside of class. It helps you gain confidence and it also shows that how much attentive you are.

Be Social in College

It’s best to develop social relationships that contribute to my educational experiences. It will show me that how to manage my social life.

Worries and Expectations

Keeping expectations too high may lead to disappointment and possibly depression. Also student who are too relaxed about their grades, who just study to pass the course, may not be motivated to study enough even to pass and may be at risk for failing courses. I myself am also worried about my assignments, as I am non-native to English language and all my early studies was too traditional so it is really difficult for me to adjust to this new environment of online learning but I know it will be difficult for me in the first year and by studying more and working hard I will get through this difficult phase. As I am working really hard I am expected best grades but for me most important thing is to learn and master my subject, and to be expert in software to find a better job and better quality of life as this is my final chance.


  1. College success. (2015). Retrieved from

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