How Transformational Leadership Elements will be Incorporated while Exercising Leadership in a Healthcare Setting

How Transformational Leadership Elements will be Incorporated while Exercising Leadership in a Healthcare Setting


Transformational leadership in a healthcare setting can impact the leader and the healthcare organization, especially when it is 4 I’s aspect is followed. For instance, inspirational motivation is crucial to a nurse leader since it encourages team confidence. However, this can only be achieved through developing a clear vision, communicating all the expectations to the team, and demonstrating a commitment to the set goals. Effective communication will be vital for the leader to convey the important message to their team with power, precision, and authority. Another aspect of transformational leadership that will be applied in a healthcare setting is idealized influence. It is a situation whereby a leader will be required to lead an exemplary life in leadership, expressing their charismatic nature while executing duties. This can only be proved when a leader proves their willingness to take risks and act in line with the set of ethical principles and core values in every action taken.

The third important aspect of this leadership style is individual consideration, which is important for creating a good relationship between team members and their leader. It is an aspect that can be achieved by observing each team member’s needs. For instance, a leader can explore the things that motivate every team member and conduct a one-to-one coaching session to motivate them to do their work (Boamah et al., 2018). Finally, intellectual stimulation that triggers innovative thinking is the last aspect of transformational leadership that can be applied in a healthcare setting. It is an aspect that will be incorporated when a nurse leader involves their team members in critical decision-making. It will also be effective when the leader encourages their team on the need of always remain innovative and creative.

Areas for Improvement

From the assessment, the various areas of improvement are the ability to make critical decisions during a discussion, and meetings with staff, and retaining some ideologies from team members as a leader. A transformational leader are some main aspects of improvement that should be done to ensure they work together with their team to achieve the desired goals. Moreover, a leader can opt to find a mentor to help them make these improvements. According to Liukka et al. (2018), transformational nursing leaders find mentors to improve the quality of services provided. Finding a mentor is usually essential as one is able to identify their areas of strength and weaknesses.

Another strategy/step for improving one’s leadership capabilities is conducting regular personal reflections. These reflections facilitate one to understand the weakness and strengths that they should dwell on. Learning some hard skills is also a technique for improving one’s capabilities in leadership (Boamah et al., 2018). For instance, team members will always look upon the leader when all their means fail. Having these complex and hard skills as a leader will therefore help solve some of these problems.

Characteristics of an Effective Professional Nurse Leader

There are various qualities and characteristics that justify one as an effective nurse leader. For instance, a nurse leader works with a team of nurses and nurse trainees with different personalities and with whom they engage in major decision-making, hence the need to have emotional intelligence as a characteristic (Alghamdi, Topp & AlYami, 2018). This is an important characteristic as it allows leaders to intervene, especially when these trainees experience unusual stressors. Excellent communication skills are also a characteristic of an effective professional nurse leader. Communication skills are essential as they enable these nurse leaders to execute their roles, especially when delegating duties.

Analysis of Leadership Theories and Styles

The selected theory based on this assessment is a behavioral theory inspired by the belief that leaders are made. Therefore, a professional nurse leader can align with this theory since it emphasizes teaching and observation as a step toward becoming a great leader. Through the theory, leaders, therefore, observe and learn more skills from mentors, hence steering their leadership skills. It is also a theory that shapes the decision-making, conflict resolutions, and negotiation techniques of a nurse leader (Al Khajeh, 2018). In contrast to this, the selected leadership style chosen is democratic leadership. It is a style that emphasizes a nurse leader towards good communication skills during major decision-making (Liukka et al., 2018). Democratic leadership, therefore, aims at shaping collaboration, conflict resolution, and decision-making skills, thus strengthening the relationship between a leader and their team. It also shapes a le

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