How will you disrupt gender inequality at home? Explain, why this technique?

How will you disrupt gender inequality at home? Explain, why this technique?


Disrupting gender equality in the home should be the easiest place, but it is often the most difficult because it involves trying to change one’s partner, something people should not do. If the husband/father was raised in a traditional household chances are his mother cleaned up for him and doted on him. Now he does not think he has to do housework or childcare because, to him, that is woman’s work. The woman, in the meantime, could lose her mind trying to keep up with the housework, the parenting and a full-time job. Women should discuss gender equality with their potential partners and if they seem like they will not be willing to be equal parnters, then they should not pursue a relationship with them. There are many clues that men give that indicate the way they feel about gender equality. For instance, they can talk over the woman as if her ideas do not matter. They can decide what to do on a date without consulting the woman to discover what she may want to do. Trying to control or manipulate a woman is also a good sign the man is not going to be the type of partner that considers gender equaltiy important. Women should cut those individuals free before they become too attached. Once they share a home with a man, a household chore list should be created and the housework divided up fairly. Some sort of penalty for not completing the work should be agreed upon such as relieving the partner from one of her chores. If those methods do not work, and they probably will not if the male comes from a traditional home, then the woman could stop doing her chores too. Eventually, the male may get the picture when the house looks a mess, the kids need to be fed, the laundry needs to be done and so on.

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