How will you disrupt gender inequality at work? Explain, why this technique?

 How will you disrupt gender inequality at work? Explain, why this technique?


Disrupting gender equaliaty at work is more difficult than disrupting it in schools. In schools there is more at stake because children are learning not to be gender biased and creating a brighter future for female equality. At work, people do not usually have a whole lot of choice about with whom they work. The chances that co-workes have been education in gender equal classrooms is still quite small, although that is changing. The way to disrupt gender inequality in the work force is for females to be more assertive and spend less time trying to please everybody. For instance, women often do not say anything when a male counterpart interrupts them. This is typical behavior in society. If a male co-worker does the, the female can say, “Excuse me, Fred, but I want to finish my thought and then I will give you a chance to speak.” Females can also volunteer to do tasks that are usually assigned to men because they ae considered “men’s work.” When women talk about their work, they often use “we” rather than “I” because they have been taught that it is not “ladylike” to take credit for something they did. They also try to downplay their achievements when someone is complementing them on them. Females need to learn to take compliments and just say, “Thank you,” rather than down playing the achievement because of embarassment. Women also tend to apologize a lot for things for which they are not responsible such as being late because of traffic. A man can walk into the office and say, “Sorry I’m late, but the 10 was backed up to Anaheim,” and he is forgiven. A woman may say the same thing but people around her will think that she is making an excuse because she had to run her children to school. If that is the case, she should say, “It was my turn to carpool today,” and then make sure that the father of her children also takes a turn carpooling the children to school.

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