How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?

How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?


Using the narratives described in the previous section, facing such a condition as the one being faced by George, there are various perspectives which may be taken by George. Knowing the world as a fallen place for sinners, with heaven being a place for the righteous, George may view death as a gateway which will allow him to escape the suffering that awaits him with the progression of his medical condition. By leaving this world, then George may be hoping to resurrect in a world free from suffering.

Alternatively, George may also view escaping his suffering by engaging involuntary euthanasia to be equivalent to committing suicide and in extension, a sin against God (Rumun, 2014). Being his last act, this will prevent him from having any hope of resurrection and in return, guarantee him eternal suffering in the afterlife as per the biblical narrative.

The biblical narrative gives various examples where suffering was used as a conduit to establish a closer relationship with God. Earthly suffering from a biblical perspective is considered an essential part of the process towards eternal life through resurrection. Those who overcame the suffering from the biblical narrative were assured eternal life free of the suffering as experienced here on earth. With this perspective, then George should not consider voluntary euthanasia as his option of dealing with the expected suffering.

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