How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?

How would George interpret his suffering in light of the Christian narrative, with an emphasis on the hope of resurrection?


In Christianity, it is believed that God created everything existing in the world and Jesus came to earth to enable human beings to have a view of God’s image. Therefore, a Christian would interpret what is happening to George as being the will of God. According to Saybey (2016) suffering such as the one George is experiencing are only intended to bring human beings close to God and to make humans ware of Christ’s suffering. The Christian teachings that Jesus died basically changes the view and experience of death. Death is a tragedy and evil, but Jesus conquered death on the cross.  Therefore, death as a defeated enemy in the Christian narrative, human beings also have hope of defeating death and rising again when Christ comes back. The god of Christian is constantly redeeming what is broken and will also redeem human beings from death. This teaches human beings to be close to God and live according to His will. Perceiving suffering as the will of good helps Christians in remaining steadfast in their Christian beliefs, and this makes their Christian faith stronger (Shelly & Miller, 2009). If a Christian believes that suffering may be as a result of the sins of the past, this can give one a chance to repent the sins and go back to God. This indicates that God is an orderly God because He allows suffering to human beings to make them turn back from their sinful ways and experience God’s love. Even though some human beings may view their suffering as a punishment, it is still an indication that God has such a great love for humanity and encourages people to live according to God’s purpose. However, the bottom line is that even after death, Christians have the hope of resurrecting just as Jesus did. These reasons can assist George to evaluate his life and repent and at the same time believe that God has forgiven his sins and his suffering will end after death (Shelly & Miller, 2009). After repenting, George also has the hope that resurrecting again once Christ comes back for the church.

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