‘Howard says that Artificial Intelligence is a bad thing. Is he right? Discuss this statement in a one-page essay – no longer!

‘Howard says that Artificial Intelligence is a bad thing. Is he right? Discuss this statement in a one-page essay – no longer!

Is Howard Right that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a Bad Thing?


According to Lasker (2023), "artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive functions such as computational reasoning, learning, visual perception, and problem-solving". AI systems offer more precise and rapid insights and help save time and improve productivity by automating tasks (Kusuma & Darmawan, 2020). For instance, ChatGPT can help compose business emails, create reports, and engage with clients in real time via chatbots. AI-driven tools such as Grammarly can evaluate writing style and grammar and offer suggestions for enhancing communication efficacy. AI systems have offered significant breakthroughs in healthcare, including improving disease diagnosis, predicting treatment outcomes, and customizing treatment routines (Soni, n.d.). In crop management, irrigation techniques, and precision farming, AI is utilized to improve agricultural output and sustainability as well.

Counterarguments exist concerning whether AI is a bad thing. Watson demonstrated that IoT-based AI systems could be hacked, posing immense cybersecurity risks, undermining their reliability and safety (Lasker, 2023). When used in law enforcement, there are worries about their effect on human labor. These tools may incorporate intrinsic biases and prejudices that might lead to unfavourable results (Watson, 2022). Moreover, the absence of ethical frameworks regulating AI's application raises privacy and violence concerns, especially with something like surveillance systems. Uncontrolled and unregulated, AI could show no difference with robots targeting people in the movie industry. The purpose is rather evil than good.

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In conclusion, while examples exist in favor and against, AI continues to be a double-edged sword. The advantages and opportunities AI offers in communication, healthcare, and agriculture are spectacular. The counterexamples, plausibly advanced, raise doubts concerning AI's security and effect on personal privacy, ethics, and human employment. Achieving a fair and responsible AI ecosystem requires addressing that these negatives matter.



Kusuma, N. A. D., & Darmawan, D. R. (2020). Introduction of Artificial Intelligence on Email Applications. JET (Journal of Engineering and Technology), 12(1), 31-40. DOI: 10.21107/jet.v12i1.5645

Lasker, G. (2023). Hey, What's the Deal with AI? Identifying the advantages and disadvantages. The Masters Review. Available at: https://mastersreview.com/news/hey-whats-the-deal-with-ai-identifying-the-advantages-and-the-disadvantages/

Soni, D. (n.d.). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare– Advantages, Challenges, and Future. University of Alberta. Available at: https://sites.ualberta.ca/~cs405/2018/202181150/AI_Healthcare_Soni_Dev.pdf

Watson, R. (2022). How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Employment Rights and Labor. Retrieved from https://www.americanbar.org/groups/labor_law/publications/landslide/landslide-web-only/2022/january-february/how-artificial-intelligence-is-reshaping-employment-rights-and-labor/

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