HUM FPX 1150 Assessment 3 Heroic Qualities Analysis HUM FPX 1150 Cultural Understanding in a Global World

HUM FPX 1150 Assessment 3 Heroic Qualities Analysis HUM FPX 1150 Cultural Understanding in a Global World


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Heroic Qualities Analysis

The selected topic for this paper is the cultural perspectives on heroic qualities. The two chosen artifacts are the biblical story of David and Goliath from the book of Samuel and the Oscar-winning short film “Hair Love” by Sony Pictures Animation. “Although hero stories have some things in common, not all heroes are the same. When you think of a hero, what may come to mind is the classic warrior hero who uses strength, skill, and bravery to defeat an enemy” (Exploring Cultures: Adapting in a Global World, n.d.).

The two selected artifacts, the biblical story of David and Goliath from the book of Samuel and the Oscar-winning short story “Hair Love,” provide contrasting yet complementary views of heroism. In the story of David and Goliath, David’s bravery and courage are highlighted in his battle against the Philistine giant, Goliath. The Philistine champion, Goliath, challenged the Israelites to a one-on-one battle, proposing that the victor’s people would enslave the defeated side. Despite having no formal training, David stepped forward when no one else dared and asked Saul for permission to challenge Goliath. Saul initially doubted David’s ability, saying, “you are not able to go against the Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth” (BibleGateway, n.d.). Despite reservations, David was granted permission, but he chose to fight without the armor provided by Saul. Instead, he confronted Goliath with only a sling, a bag of stones, and faith in “the Lord of hosts.” Though Goliath was heavily armed, David ran toward him, slung a stone, and struck Goliath on the forehead, causing him to fall. David then used Goliath’s own sword to behead him, leading the Philistines to flee in fear. David became the hero who saved the Israelites from becoming the Philistines’ servants.

In the animated short film “Hair Love,” the story centers on a young African American girl who is excited to mark a day on her calendar and style her hair. She uses a tablet to follow a step-by-step tutorial on a hairstyle, recalling her mother’s words, “Just took a little bit of work and a whole lot of love,” which made her feel empowered. However, her attempts at styling her hair fail, leading her father to step in. Initially panicked and overwhelmed, he tries to cover her hair with a hat, but the girl refuses. The father’s first attempt to do her hair is unsuccessful, as he imagines the hair as a formidable opponent in a boxing ring. Discouraged, he gives up and covers her hair with a hat again, which leads the girl to run away in tears. The father, feeling guilty, follows her to the bathroom, where she replays her mother’s encouraging words, “All it takes is confidence and a willingness to get started.” Motivated by these words, the father tries again, succeeds, and makes his daughter happy. Together, they visit the hospital to see the mother, who has lost her hair due to illness. The daughter reassures her mother of her beauty, showing that true beauty transcends physical appearance.

Compare and Contrast the Cultures Represented

Both artifacts emphasize the power of faith. David believed he could defeat Goliath because he trusted in the Lord and knew that God would give him the strength to prevail. In “Hair Love,” the father initially feared doing his daughter’s hair but found the courage to overcome his fear through his wife’s encouraging words. As Nelson Mandela stated, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it” (Murphy Jr., n.d.). Both stories depict characters who find courage and believe in themselves. The cultural difference lies in the type of heroism portrayed: David, the underdog hero, draws courage from his faith, while in “Hair Love,” the father overcomes his fear of styling his daughter’s hair with encouragement from his wife. Both David and the father embody cultural views of heroic qualities.

Main Takeaways about the Cultures

The main takeaway from the story of David and Goliath is the power of faith. “Religion and culture are intertwined, and each influences the other. Religion shapes culture because people who subscribe to religion participate in the enactment of the culture in which they live; they do not exist in a vacuum” (Zed, 2021). David’s strength did not come from physical prowess or battle experience but from his faith in the Lord. His faith gave him the courage to challenge and defeat Goliath, demonstrating that “with God, nothing shall be impossible” (Murdock, 2022). In contrast, the main takeaway from “Hair Love” is the promotion of confidence and self-awarene

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