I live in NYC, and there are a great amount of people who prefer nontraditional health care. I provided 2 links to the locations. I want to discuss the cultures of China, Japan, and American Indian. This is an essay format.

I live in NYC, and there are a great amount of people who prefer nontraditional health care. I provided 2 links to the locations. I want to discuss the cultures of China, Japan, and American Indian. This is an essay format.

Nontraditional Health Care Practices

Nontraditional healthcare practices entail complementary and alternative medicine. Complementary medicine refers to techniques that are used together with conventional medicine, whereas alternative medicine refers to techniques that can substitute conventional medicine. Examples of nontraditional healthcare practices include naturopathy, Ayurveda, and mind-body medicine. This paper describes nontraditional healthcare practices among the Japanese, Native Indians, and Chinese.

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Health Care Practices Among the Chinese, Japanese, and Native Indians

The Chinese Culture

The Chinese have embraced various nontraditional healthcare practices in their routine. They include moxibustion, cupping, acupuncture, Tui Na Massage, and herbal medicine  (Martin, 2018). Moxibustion aims at warming and increasing the flow of blood and distribution of Qi (energy) (Martin, 2018). Additionally, it enhances the kidney’s Yang. This technique uses smoke from the combustion of mugwort root (Martin, 2018). In addition, moxibustion is commonly used to relieve dysmenorrhea. Contrariwise, acupuncture involves needle insertion into the superficial layers of the skin. The needles target and manipulate specific acupuncture points. Notably, acupuncture equilibrates Yin and Yang (Martin, 2018). This equilibrium facilitates the normal flow of Qi and the restoration of normal body health.

Moreover, cupping uses open plastic and glass spheres. These spheres are warmed before they are placed on the skin. Cooling the air inside the cups generates a vacuum, promoting adherence to the skin (Martin, 2018). Cupping provides pertinent massage to relieve pain and tension from body parts such as the back. Tui Na Massage incorporates various techniques, such as acupressure and massage (Martin, 2018). It is used to manage conditions associated with chronic pain. These conditions involve musculoskeletal pain and discomfort (Martin, 2018). Herbal medicine uses different parts of plants to manage various health conditions. Medicinal plants that are commonly used for Chinese herbal medicine include ginseng and cinnamon bark (Martin, 2018). The dosage form of herbal medicine is diverse: powder, solutions, or granules.

The Japanese Culture

On the other hand, the Japanese culture embraces four main nontraditional healthcare practices. They include Kampo, Hari, Shiatsu, and Seitai (Motoo et al., 2019). Kampo is equivalent to Chinese herbal medicine. However, the sources of Japanese Kampo are diverse: botanical, minerals, and bones. Data demonstrates that approximately 52 per cent of Japanese physicians prescribe Kampo to complement conventional medicine (Motoo et al., 2019). Kampo is used to manage conditions such as flu and provides preventive healthcare. Additionally, Kampo is used in moxibustion. Yomogi is equivalent to the Chinese mugwort, and its use promotes circulation (Motoo et al., 2019).

Japanese Hari is equivalent to Chinese acupuncture. Hari uses significantly smaller needles than Chinese acupuncture (Motoo et al., 2019). Furthermore, Japanese Hari is usually accompanied by moxibustion. Hari is a highly regulated practice that requires all practitioners to be certified. Hari offers numerous benefits. They include increasing fertility and metabolism, facilitating weight loss, and for cosmetic purposes such as eliminating wrinkles (Motoo et al., 2019). Shiatsu refers to the Japanese massage. Shiatsu allows practitioners to transfer Qi into patients. As such, Qi improves circulation and relieves various health conditions. Seitai refers to Japanese chiropractic medicine (Motoo et al., 2019). Chiropractors use this therapeutic massage to manage conditions related to the spine and those affecting an individual’s posture. Unlike other massage therapies, Seitai does not involve direct stimulation of the spine (Motoo et al., 2019).

The Native Indian Culture

Native Indians embrace various nontraditional healthcare practices. These practices are classified as Native American Spa and the Healing Spirit (Isaac et al., 2018). Firstly, the native American Spa consists of practices such as massage, use of sweat lodges, and drumming. Sweat lodges are used to detoxify an individual’s body, mind, and soul (Vemireddy, 2020). On the other hand, heated rocks are used to generate heat used in sweat lodges. Sweat therapy is used to manage various conditions, such as rheumatism (Vemireddy, 2020). The healing spirit embraces nontraditional practices such as dream therapy and prayers (Vemireddy, 2020).

According to Isaac et al. (2018), the Native American Pharmacy involves the use o

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