Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended non-pharmacological treatment options for this patient.

Identify two (2) “Evidence A” recommended non-pharmacological treatment options for this patient.



Non-pharmacological management of type 2 diabetes mellitus appropriate for this patient includes dietary modifications, weight loss, and activity modifications. J.T. has a BMI of 36.5, which signifies obesity, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Weight loss can occur through activity modifications and dietary modifications. The patient is educated on the benefits of increased activity. Aerobic exercises decrease hyperglycemia by improving insulin sensitivity. J.T. is experiencing fatigue and is advised to begin with light exercises such as walking. Combining exercise and dietary modifications is more beneficial than applying exercise or dietary modifications singularly. The patient is educated on the Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean diet includes a low carbohydrate diet that ensures weight loss and glycemic control. If J.T. cannot lose weight through exercise and dietary modifications, bariatric surgery can be recommended for weight loss in obesity. Self-monitoring blood glucose is essential to determine the patient’s response to treatment and prevent hypoglycemia.


Costello, R. A., Nicolas, S., & Shivkumar, A. (2022). Sulfonylureas. StatPearls Publishing.

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