Identifying a Local Healthcare Economic Issue NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 1 Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue

Identifying a Local Healthcare Economic Issue NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 1 Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue


Economics in the healthcare industry is the study of different factors which have a great impact over different costs as well as expenditures (Bilgili et al., 2021). The healthcare issues related to the economics include different factors which have direct or indirect impact over the cost and expenditures in the healthcare.  These factors include lack of different safety measures, or improper recording of the expenditures/costs etc. In this assessment, I would explain improper use of barcodes in the United Hospital of Minnesota as the medication administration error which have a huge impact over the economics of the hospital. 

Issue in Healthcare Industry

NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 1 Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue

The United Hospital located in St Paul is one of the major healthcare providing facility in the Minnesota State. A wide range of population is getting different healthcare services which include emergency service, and other specialized or specific healthcare facilities. The population of the St. Paul is very diverse as a number of ethnicities are living in the St Paul which include mainly Hispanic as well as non-Hispanic. The community consists of about 55% Whites, 15% African American, 19% Asians and about 5 % bi-racial populations (Tong et al., 2021). One of the mainly identified issue of the facility is the medication administration error. Due to this concern, the facility is facing many issues which have a huge impact over the finances of the hospital. As per the report, the hospital is among one of the worst in the medication administration (Minnesota Department of Health, n.d.).

NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 1 Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue

Medication administration errors include the assigning of wrong barcode to the medication or medicating the wrong patient. Therefore, the chances of errors increases when the bedside barcodes are not available. Because administering medications is a difficult process, there is a significant likelihood of mistakes being made. There could be a number of reasons which include extensive workflow, interruptions, emergency cases, sticking to the five rights, and many more. According to the Department of Health in Minnesota, medication administration errors are one of the few top adverse events which could happen in the healthcare industry (Minnesota Department of Health, n.d.). Medication administration errors can lead to other adverse events which include high readmission rate, increase in morbidity as well as mortality rate of the subsequent population. These are responsible for enhancing the economic pressure both on peoples and also healthcare facilities which may be the result of increase in cost of healthcare and readmission (Alrabadi et al., 2021).

Rationale of Selecting Medication Administration Errors

NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 1 Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue 

The main reason or rationale of selecting this issue involve their impact on the quality care as well as other services provided by the hospitals to their patients. As the current employ of the selected healthcare facility I have to come to know about one evaluation from the management in which they have found a number of medication administration errors. Medication administration errors are a concerning issue and can have serious, potentially life-threatening consequences for both healthcare providers and their patients. Medication errors can occur in any stage of the medication process, from prescribing, ordering, dispensing and administering, up to and including the patient’s storage and use of his or her medication. The most common type of medication errors are those related to the administration of drugs, which are estimated to occur in about one out of every five doses administered (Shore et al., 2022). 

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