Identifying Strategic, Tactical and Administrative Crime Analysis

Identifying Strategic, Tactical and Administrative Crime Analysis




Crime is a collective concept, a social phenomenon that includes a set of various acts of individual criminal behavior. It is characteristic for crime to overcome these unique traits and a sign common to all prohibited acts, the totality of which defines its concept. The success of the fight against crime largely depends on the level and quality of information support for the activities of law enforcement agencies. Information of this kind can also be used in analytical work as an integral part of combating crime. It can be said that nowadays, the importance of analytical work for cognition and evaluation of crime is immeasurably increasing. This paper aims to reveal the concepts and features of strategic, tactical, and administrative analysis of crimes. In addition, the question will be considered as to which of these types of analyses is best suited to solve the problem of burglaries in House Springs, Missouri 63051.

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Features of Strategic Crime Analysis

Strategic analysis is essential of a research nature and should be carried out by scientists and specialists in sociology, criminology, political economy, and demography. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of crime and the results of the activities of law enforcement entities to combat this negative phenomenon are measured (Cusson, 2017). The essence of strategic analysis is the procedure for searching and selecting strategic alternatives for developing a process that affects society’s level of social security as a whole and in some regions of its life (Walker & Drawve, 2018). These trends can play a decisive role in the future strategy of ensuring social security and forecasting performance indicators of law enforcement entities on this basis.

In one way or another, these aspects can affect the state of social security in the future and are necessary for making strategic decisions in law enforcement relations. The primary means of strategic analysis are predicted, modeled, and constructed qualities and properties of social objects that can ensure the future state of security of the individual, society, and the state. The strategic analysis of crime is implemented in three stages:

  1. In the first stage, the analysis of the theoretical patterns inherent in the processes and phenomena under study is carried out. The study of empirical data on their structure and features is performed, followed by a description of the proposed models, and their behavior in the future.

  2. The second stage involves the creation and formation of methods designed to solve the problem of negative patterns and contribute to the emergence of positive changes in patterns.

  3. The third stage is designed to ensure the formulation of the projected results of strategic analysis (Fennelly, 2020).

Thus, strategic analysis is widely used in the law enforcement system, as it allows for identifying and predicting crime problems in the long term.

Features of Tactical Crime Analysis

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A tactical analysis of crimes is involved when a direct criminal offense arises, and a quick response is needed. Unlike strategic analysis, tactical analysis is short-term, promotes the rapid deployment of resources, and significantly helps in ongoing investigations. Working with crime data covering shorter periods contributes to the apprehension of criminals and identifying the nature of crimes. An essential aspect of the tactical analysis is the identification of specific patterns, which makes police operations more successful and effective. These patterns are called modus operandi, the method of committing a crime and all its related circumstances.

The fact of finding similar patterns in seemingly different crimes may indicate the perpetrator’s identity or reveal any additional detail. If more than two crimes have similarities, it may be helpful to link them from a criminological point of view and find similar elements or patterns in them. The main aspects of the tactical analysis of crime are patterns that answer how, when, and where (Walker & Drawve, 2018). The essence of the committed crime answers the question of how and what applies, for example, to apartment thefts. In such cases, criminologists study the method of penetration used by the criminal to determine whether these apartment thefts are related to burglary.

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