Impact Of Customer Complaint Management Of Reputation Of Hotels

Impact Of Customer Complaint Management Of Reputation Of Hotels



In today’s competitive business world, it has become highly important for a hotels’ management to ensure appropriate customer service through effective complaint handling. This research has been conducted with the intention of analysing the impact of customer complaint management on the reputation of hotels operating in UK. The study is conducted usinga quantitative research approach in which questionnaires were used for the purpose of data collection. The analysis has shown that there is a significant impact relating toeffective customer complaint management which influences the reputation and image of hotels. By focusing on effective complaint handling, hotel businesses can benefit from a better reputation.








Table of contents


1.1.       Background. 1

1.2.       Research Aim.. 4

1.3.       Research Objectives. 4

1.4.       Rationale of Study. 4


2.1. Introduction. 6

2.2. Theoretical Underpinning. 6

2.2.1. Performance theories. 6

2.2.2. Fairness theories. 8

2.2.3. Response theories. 9

2.3. Customer Complaint. 10

2.4. Customer Complaint Behaviour. 11

2.5. Customers’ Complaint Management and Reputation of Hotels. 15

2.6. Theoretical Framework. 18

2.7. Research Hypotheses. 18

2.8. Summary. 19

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