Impact Of Total Quality Management On Construction Project Performance In China

Impact Of Total Quality Management On Construction Project Performance In China





Total Quality Management is an approach that has a main focus on continuous improvement in companies for providing best value and quality products to its customers. The recent generation of total quality management depends on quality theory (Sallis, 2014). In construction industry, there is a significant role of TQM for enhancing quality, for enhancing customers’ satisfaction, involvement of employees and improvement in process of construction. It has been experienced by many construction firms that with the help of effective implementation of TQM, companies can gain competitive advantage as well as strategic advantaged in construction industry (Oakland, 2014). Through proper implementation of Total Quality Management, firms become capable of bringing improvements in productivity, competitiveness as well as overall performance of projects. It has been reported by different researchers that proper implementation of TQM can result in quality enhancement of construction projects and the rate of improvement in quality is 90% in most of construction firms (Kerzner, 2013). This research will be conducted for examining the impact of Total Quality Management on performance of construction projects in China.

Different empirical studies are conducted and these studies have found a significant positive impact of TQM implementation on quality of construction companies. From some of researchers, the positive relationship between Total Quality Management and organizational performance has also been found. This research will help contractors of China in identification of positive impacts of TQM implementation on performance of companies.

1.2.Research Aim

The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of Total Quality Management on performance of construction projects in China.

1.3.Research Objectives

The research will be conducted for achieving following objectives;

  • To study literature for understanding the concept of Total Quality Management.
  • To assess the use of Total Quality Management in construction industry.
  • To examine the influence of Total Quality Management practices on performance of construction projects in China.

1.4.Research Questions

The research will be conducted for answering following questions;

  • What literature says about the concept of Total Quality Management?
  • To what extent construction companies use Total Quality Management in their construction projects?
  • Does Total Quality Management affect performance of construction projects in China?

2.Literature Review

Different researchers studied the use of Total Quality Management in companies for improving performance as well as quality. A study was conducted by Meng (2012) and it has been found that TQM is implemented by professionals of construction companies at various stages. The study has also found that with the help of TQM, companies get many advantages like improvement in quality of business, increase in customer satisfaction level, reduction in cost etc.

Similarly, another research Zink (2012) found that in construction industry the management understood the importance of TQM a bit late because there were unaware of standards and techniques of TQM. For bringing various advantages of TQM to construction projects, there is a need of putting high efforts for spreading the culture of TQM among professionals of construction.

Kim et al (2012) conducted a study to analyze the importance and willingness of construction companies for implementation of TQM while completing projects. The data collected from this study has showed that contractors give prior importance to TQM implementation in their projects, as these help in reduction costs and improving quality of projects.

In contrast to this, a study was conducted by Bendoly (2014) found that when companies have lack of concise knowledge about quality and importance of TQM, then they do not give high importance to TQM implementation in projects. In construction industry, there is some level of fragmentation, due to which companies face hurdles while implementing TQM. When companies implement TQM then there is a need of having appropriate knowledge because due to lack of appropriate knowledge, the project can experience a failure. Moreover, corruption, irresponsibility and high level of negligence can result in critical issues faced by companies. In order to implement TQM in an effective way, there is a need of bringing major change in organization that involves change in culture, procedures, strategic priorities and standards of organization.

3.Research Methodology

3.1.Research Philosophy

The research philosophy is linked with various perceptions and beliefs of researc

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