In a well-organized paragraph, analyze how Orwell uses description and word choice (diction) to communicate his attitude/tone toward a character (or characters) or event from Chapter 4. Generate Free Essay



Hentiya, S. O., & Obbie, E. (2021). Deconstructing the reality of Marxist governance in Orwell’s ani4mal farm. WATON, 3(1), 16-31.

Johnston, R. (2020). Hero Propaganda: Who Heroizes Whom in the Role of Power within George Orwell's Animal Farm? Available at:

Lionaleanu, F. T. (2021). The Complex Character of Napoleon in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Alfred Nobel University.


In a well-organized paragraph, analyze how Orwell uses description and word choice (diction) to communicate his attitude/tone toward a character (or characters) or event from Chapter 4.

Orwell's Use of Description and Diction in Animal Farm


In Chapter 4 of Animal Farm by Orwell, the pigs notably derive the cartload of books to guide and rule the animals as they oversee the operation of the farm (Johnston, 2020). Through such description and word choice, Orwell illustrates the pigs emerging as authoritarian leaders overseeing what is best for the animals. The officer mentions that the animals are not aware of the distinction between Animalism and capitalism. It is inherently impossible to print money as pigs are bound to run out of resources after they turn the cartload of books into coins. Through a descriptive choice of words in this context, Orwell informs the reader that the pigs go beyond collectivization to employ technology since capitalist still benefit from technology, unlike the communists who failed to create any (Hentiya & Obbie, 2021). Moreover, at some point in the text, all the animals except the pigs are powerless, lazy, and mentally sluggish, thus supporting the author’s event assertion.

Through the use of description and great choice of words, Orwell depicts the pigs as authoritarian leaders. The power the pigs have over the other animals is seen by their knowledge concerning Animalism and capitalism. In addition, the pigs alone are able to scrutinize what is right for the animal as the initial revolution lacks a broader framework of governance. The emphasis on phrases like successors reveals the despotic traits of the pigs as authoritarian leaders. However, Napoleon appears unpredictable and detached (Lionareanu, 2021). Despite highly referring to his predecessors as figuring out what was best for the animals, he is driven to maximize his self-interests even when it comes to others’ potential welfare.

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Hentiya, S. O., & Obbie, E. (2021). Deconstructing the reality of Marxist governance in Orwell’s ani4mal farm. WATON, 3(1), 16-31.

Johnston, R. (2020). Hero Propaganda: Who Heroizes Whom in the Role of Power within George Orwell's Animal Farm? Available at:

Lionaleanu, F. T. (2021). The Complex Character of Napoleon in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Alfred Nobel University.

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