Influence of Hip-Hop And Gun Violence in the United States: Analytical Essay

Influence of Hip-Hop And Gun Violence in the United States: Analytical Essay


Gun violence is a extensive issue not only in the United States but around the world. The gun violence epidemic has been on the rise for the last decade. In the United States, gun laws are not heavily enforced in numerous states making it easy to get your hands on a gun. The Hip Hop community has heavily impacted gun violence, in ways which they promote gun violence and use their lyrics to glorify the use of guns within their community and around the world. In the past few years Chicago has been a trending topic when discussing the gun troll law. Chicago known for gun violence and drill music have artist like Chief Keef, Lil Durk, big name rap stars who grew up in the streets of Chicago. Hip Hop has a major impact on teens, majority of the youth listen to hip hop and this new genre of music called Drill music. Drill Music embodies gang violence, sex, money, drugs, and gun violence. Drill music originated in Chicago, the city who at one time was one of the cities with the highest murder rates surpassing Afghanistan. In addition to drill music Hip Hop rap itself has been promoting violent acts within their lyrics for years. Throughout 1980 to the late 1990’s hip hop was one of the most influential movements ever and has reached its vocal point taking advantage of the right of, “freedom of press” , and “freedom of speech “. The infamous group called NWA lead by Dr. Dre and rapper Eazy-E dropped their album “Straight Outta Compton” which included their hit single, “ Fu*k The Police” and “ Straight Outta Compton”. In “ Straight Outta Compton” one of the members states, “ Straight outta compton a brother with his finger on the trigger”, after this many people felt carrying guns was necessary to be cool, by looking up to one of the most famous groups at that time. In addition this furthermore supports how hip hop has influenced gun violence throughout America.

Research Question: What impact does music have on teen gun violence in the United States?

Rationale Of The Study: It is important to explore my topic because people listen to music, almost everyday. Music has become part of our daily lives and is something that we grow accustomed to. Many listen to music when they travel, workout, when bored, whenever` they can. The power and influence music has is overlooked most of the time because most people think “ it’s just a song” lyrics can’t actually be that influential, they don’t really mean what they say.. Well that thought is wrong music one way artist can communicate with their fans giving them a stand point on how they feel and what’s happening in their life. With that being said music can potentially influence a crowd to do whatever they promote, and in this instance its gun violence. Gun violence has been a major issue all over the United States and our gun laws have been taking advantage of throughout recent years. Nowadays most firearms are either sold illegally or found by children whose parents own guns and now the child feels as if he/she is powerful. An NVISS study of firearm suicides among youths ages 17 and under occurring over a two-year period in four states and two counties found that “82% used a firearm belonging to a family member, usually a parent.” Additionally, the artist they potentially look up to and listen to everyday is glorifying the use of guns making this okay, so the viewer thinks if he says it's cool to walk around carrying a gun then that makes them cool right? The benefits that come with addressing this topic not only helps the readers and can help me as student but can help society as a whole.I can come up with ways artist can positively Gun Violence has been a major issue for the recent years, so this potentially can help make stricter gun laws making it harder to purchase a gun, also it can make illegal guns being sold come to a stop by making the punishment for selling a illegal firearm unbearable so people will think about the consequence before they proceed in the action. This will also help cities like Chicago and many others bring, justice to the families who lost someone to gun violence and bring a sense of urgency and hope.

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