Influence of Roy’s Theory on Guiding Nurse’s Actions

Influence of Roy’s Theory on Guiding Nurse’s Actions


Roy’s Adaptation Model is a theoretical framework nurses use to guide patient care. The model is based on adaptation, which suggests that individuals adapt to changes in their environment to maintain physiological and psychological well-being. The goal of nursing care within this model is to facilitate patient adaptation to changes in their health status, environment, and social circumstances. In the case of Sgt. Eddie Johns, Roy’s Theory can guide the nurse’s actions in promoting his adjusted self-concept (Clares et al., 2021). The first step in promoting Sgt. Johns’ adjusted self-concept is to assess his current level of functioning. The nurse can gather information about his past experiences, coping mechanisms, and support systems to determine how he adapts to his current situation. This information can help the nurse identify potential areas of concern and develop a plan of care that addresses his specific needs. Based on the assessment, the nurse can identify Sgt-related nursing diagnoses—Johns’ adjusted self-concept. For example, he may be experiencing anxiety, depression, or difficulty accepting his new physical limitations. The nurse can use this information to develop specific nursing interventions to address these issues. One nursing intervention may be to provide education to Sgt. Johns about his condition and the expected outcomes of his treatment (Karaca & Durna, 2019). This can help him better understand his situation and cope with the changes in his life. Additionally, the nurse can help him identify and utilize his support systems, including his family and friends, to promote his sense of well-being. Another intervention may be to provide emotional support and counseling to help Sgt. Johns adjust to his new circumstances (Wu et al., 2020). This may include helping him develop coping strategies, encouraging him to express his feelings, and providing positive feedback and reinforcement. Overall, Roy’s Adaptation Model can guide the nurse in promoting Sgt. Johns adjusted his self-concept by providing a framework for assessing his needs, identifying nursing diagnoses, and developing targeted nursing interventions. By addressing his psychological and social needs, the nurse can help Sgt. Johns adapts to his new situation and achieves a sense of well-being.

Importance of Listening to Sgt. Johns’ “Story”

The Roy Adaptation Model is a nursing theory emphasizing the importance of individualized care for each patient. This model suggests that nurses should assess patients based on their unique experiences, needs, and perspectives (Kaya & Boz, 2019). In Sgt. In Eddie Johns’ case, listening to his story in his own words is crucial for providing adequate care tailored to his situation, by listening to Sgt. Johns’ story, the nurse can gain insights into his physical, emotional, and social needs, as well as his overall adaptation to his injury and life changes. For example, the nurse can learn about his headaches, sleeping problems, and reliance on alcohol for sleep. These symptoms may indicate underlying psychological distress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which requires specialized treatment and support (Orsolini et al., 2019)—furthermore, Sgt. Johns’ story can reveal his social support network, living arrangements, and employment status, which are crucial factors in his adaptation process. The nurse can identify potential environmental challenges or resources impacting his recovery and well-being. For instance, Sgt. Johns’ move back in with his mother may provide a sense of security and care, but it can also affect his independence and self-esteem. In addition, he is listening to Sgt. Johns’ story can help establish a therapeutic relationship between him and the nurse (Ausderau et al., 2019). By acknowledging his experiences and concerns, the nurse can build trust, rapport, and empathy with him. This can enhance his engagement, compliance, and satisfaction with his care. It can also encourage him to share more information and participate actively in his treatment plan. The Roy Adaptation Model highlights the importance of individualized, holistic care that respects patients’ unique experiences and perspectives. By listening to Sgt. Johns’ story, the nurse can gain valuable insights into his physical, emotional, and social needs and provide personalized care that promotes his adaptation and well-being.

Neuman Systems Model and Stressors

The Neuman Systems Model is a nursing theory that views individuals as constantly interacting with their environment and that stressors can affect a person’s overall well-being. In the case of Sgt. Eddie Johns, several stressors are affecting his physical, emotional, and psychological health. Firstly, Sgt. Johns is experiencing physical

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