Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicator NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators

Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicator NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators


Hi, hope you all are doing great. It’s me (type your name here), a member of the Quality Improvement Council in the Ambulatory care setting of the Hospital. I am highly obliged to address new recruits who are highly determined and dedicated to performing their duties and providing quality care to our patients. The agenda of this audio tutorial is to guide the new recruit regarding the importance of Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators, provide them with the necessary training, and familiarize them with the hospital’s policies and initiatives for improving the healthcare outcomes by implementing the nursing-sensitive indicators called as NDNQIs. Moreover, another objective is to address the organization’s information collection and distribution strategies along with the significance of the nursing role in exhibiting high-quality outcomes.

What is the National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators (NDNQI)?

Let’s first discuss what actually NDNQI is? NDNQI is the National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators that has been established to assess nursing excellence in terms of the quality care provided to the patients with extreme professionalism and a sense of duty. It is a national-level quality program launched to assist various hospital facilities to compare and assess the performance of nurses with references to set standards and improve the performance with the utmost responsibility. It was established in 1998 by American Nursing Association (ANA) and they introduced nursing-sensitive quality indicators to help the registered nurses to enhance patient care and safety and improve the overall productivity of healthcare organizations (Merkley, 2018).

Our hospital is striving hard to reach the utmost quality standards of patient care by evolving the hospital policies in accordance with the NDNQI’s agenda. The main aim is to compare our quality enhancement actions with the database provided by NDNQI to work on the areas with shortcomings to ensure that the care provided by our nursing staff is safe and secured in order to mitigate the risk of complications and patient disappointment. The data engrossed will help us in developing evidence-based practices that pave the pathway for the provision of patient-centered care that improves the quality of care.

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What are Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators?

NDNQI has established performance criteria for the healthcare workers that assess their enactment by comparing their performance metric with the provided database that whether the care provided by them is effective, time-efficient, safe, and patient-centered. These benchmarks for analyzing their performance are known as Nursing-sensitive Quality Indicators (Afaneh, et al., 2021). There is no other opinion that nursing interventions are the key factor in the determination of quality care for the patients still there is a need of developing a check and balance system to measure the performance in order to further enhance productivity. There are three monitoring forms of the quality indicators identified by NDNQI including structure, process, and outcomes. These forms are closely related to each other in order to ensure better quality care outcomes for the patients.

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