Informative Speech Teen Pregnancies Sample Paper Pregnancy in women and girls aged 13-19 years is considered teenage pregnancy. Impacts of teenage pregnancy include increased suicidal ideas and depression of affected women

Informative Speech Teen Pregnancies Sample Paper Pregnancy in women and girls aged 13-19 years is considered teenage pregnancy. Impacts of teenage pregnancy include increased suicidal ideas and depression of affected women

Informative Speech Teen Pregnancies Sample Paper

Pregnancy in women and girls aged 13-19 years is considered teenage pregnancy. Impacts of teenage pregnancy include increased suicidal ideas and depression of affected women. Teenage mothers also undergo stress due to difficulties in meeting doctors, completion of education, sleepless nights, and childcare. I will explain postpartum depression, depression, and baby blues as teenage births and pregnancy risk factors. I was prompted to research the topic when my sister experienced psychological health conditions due to teenage pregnancy. I will discuss how teenage pregnancies cause psychological health challenges to such women and how society can help.

Teenage mothers undergo baby blues including sleeplessness, anxiety, sadness, mood swings, and eating challenges on giving birth. Eating problems and sleeplessness cause low breast milk production hence causing underfeeding of infants. Anxiety, mood swings, and sadness cause child abuse and negligence. According to Saha (2020), complications that can arise during pregnancy include low birth weight, newborn complications, and premature delivery.

Depression is a risk factor for teenage pregnancies especially if they have complications. According to Xavier, Benoit & Brown (2018), a history of inadequate or partial social networks and child abuse are likely to bring depression to teen mothers. Teenage mums who neglect and abuse children recycle the same habits due to low self-esteem causing them to have difficulties forming relationships with other people. Insufficient social networks make it difficult for teen mothers to socialize with friends and peers freely and stipulating their challenges as new mums. The end result is depression.

According to Hymans & Girard (2019), postpartum depression, which includes severe and significant panic attacks, feeling worthless, baby bonding challenges, overwhelming fatigue, is common among teen mums. Baby bonding challenges arise when the teen mum dislikes the infant for some choices made along the way or other reasons. Overwhelming fatigue is caused by challenges in eating and sleeping. The results are negligence of the baby through minimal diaper changes, baths, and underfeeding. Such teenage mothers should be helped by society to restore self-confidence to love the baby. Postnatal and prenatal nursing of teenage pregnancies, provision of essential education, and support have a positive influence on the health of the child.

As I conclude, teenage pregnancy is a common public health concern for mother and child and includes the health, emotional, and social wellbeing of the child and mother. Society, especially health experts, should be vibrant in alleviating suffering among teen mums and their children. Due to increased psychological health problems from teen mothers, the issue is a significant health problem in various countries, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries. Teen mums have a high tendency of experiencing postpartum depression, depression, and baby blues.


My process of preparing the speech included substantial research on the topic, followed by preparation of the speech outline, and preparation of the final draft, and finally video recording. I experienced challenges in research and quality video recording but overcame them by proper research from reliable sources and the use of appropriate equipment respectively. During recording, my challenges included having quality sound and proper delivery of the speech. I overcame the challenges by reviewing various verbal and non-verbal communication cues.

During the speech, I could concisely recognize the introduction and the thesis statement, three body paragraphs each explaining a particular aspect, and the conclusion as well as verbal citations. After critically reviewing the speech, I feel it requires no changes. I reviewed the communication skills and the speech delivery has good eye contact, audible and clear vocal tone and variation, presence of vocalized pauses, and absence of stumbles.


  • Govender, D. (2019). Teenage pregnancy and mental health. Mental Health Matters, 6(4),28-30. https://hdl.han
  • Hymas, R. & Girard, L-C. (2019). Predicting postpartum depression among adolescent mothers: A systematic review of risk. Journal of Affective Disorders, 246(), 873–885. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.12.041

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