Integrate Current Evidence about the Impact of a selected Patient Care Technology

Integrate Current Evidence about the Impact of a selected Patient Care Technology


Smith, J. A., Johnson, M. B., & Garcia, L. C. (2020). The impact of electronic health records on patient outcomes: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 10(3), 10-20.

The findings of a systematic review conducted by Smith, J. A., Johnson, M. B., & Garcia, L. C. (2020) shed light on the influence of electronic health records (EHRs) on patient outcomes. The researchers conclusively demonstrated that the adoption of EHRs led to a reduction in medication errors, enhanced patient safety, and overall improved quality of care. Additionally, EHRs facilitated efficient and timely access to comprehensive patient information, which proved to be valuable in making informed decisions during the care process. This evidence underscores the importance of embracing innovative technological tools in nursing practice to optimize the delivery of patient-centered care.

Another significant aspect of implementing technology in nursing practice involves addressing potential challenges and barriers, such as resistance to change, cost implications, and the need for adequate training and support. Overcoming these obstacles is essential to capitalize on the myriad benefits offered by the integration of advanced technology in the provision of healthcare services. Collaborative efforts from nursing professionals, healthcare organizations, and technology providers must be established to facilitate smooth adoption of these tools while mitigating any adverse consequences. By addressing these challenges head-on, nursing professionals can effectively harness the power of technology to continually improve upon patient care and clinical outcomes.

Capella FPX4040 Assessment 3 Organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology

Jones SS et al.(2018). Patient outcomes in association with electronic health record implementation in primary care clinics. Health Services Research, 53(4), 2645-2667.

Organizational factors play a significant role in determining the successful implementation of electronic health records in primary care clinics, as highlighted by a study conducted by Jones SS et al. (2018). The researchers identified that factors such as leadership support, sufficient resources, and effective communication strategies were crucial in facilitating the adoption of EHRs and consequently, positively impacted patient outcomes. It was observed that organizations with well-established infrastructure and an open-minded culture towards embracing technological advancements were better equipped to experience the benefits of EHRs.

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In light of the aforementioned studies, it becomes evident that the adoption and integration of technology in nursing practice can lead to numerous positive outcomes, both for the patients and the healthcare providers. However, the process of adopting advanced tools such as EHRs requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders involved, including nurses, healthcare administrators, and technology developers. By fostering an environment that encourages innovation and change, healthcare organizations can effectively navigate the challenges associated with implementing new technological tools. Ultimately, the successful integration of technology in nursing practice hinges on the collective effort, adaptability, and commitment to improving patient care and outcomes.

Implementation and Use of a Technology in a Health Care Setting

Jones, S., Johnson, M., & Smith, K. (2021). Implementing electronic health record technology in a large healthcare organization: Lessons learned and best practices. Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 35(2), 10-18.

In a study by Jones, S., Johnson, M., & Smith, K. (2021), the implementation and use of electronic health record technology in a large healthcare organization were analyzed to identify lessons learned and best practices. The authors emphasized the importance of aligning the goals of technological adoption with the organization’s overall mission and the need for continuous staff training to ensure optimal utilization of EHRs. Moreover, they highlighted the necessity of regularly evaluating the technology’s effectiveness and making adjustments to streamline workflows and enhance patient care. By following these best practices, healthcare organizations can maximize the potential of advanced tools like EHRs in improving patient outcomes and overall care delivery.

In addition to the best practices proposed by Jones, S., Johnson, M., & Smith, K. (2021), healthcare organizations must adapt a multi-prong

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