Intervention Strategy NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 3 Intervention Strategy

Intervention Strategy NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 3 Intervention Strategy


To ensure the smooth operation of the organization, a successful leader must possess certain characteristics. A leader’s success is highly dependent on their ability to make decisions, think critically, communicate effectively, and solve problems. The results of this assessment will shed light on how to identify a leadership strategy and how the organizational change model affects leadership qualities. This assessment gives you a chance to come up with a novel strategy for dealing with a leadership issue that is based on relevant leadership theories and tactics. You can also show how a leadership policy, legislation, or change model might affect that strategy.

Identification of Leadership Strategy

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 3 Intervention Strategy

This assessment will discuss the strategies to mitigate the issues related to managing a toxic leader. Jackie, the Nurse manager, and chair of the conferences is a leader who is toxic and not performing her duties with responsibility. The identified strategy to resolve and manage this leadership problem is implicating the transformational leadership style. The transformational leadership strategy focuses majorly on creating a healthy work environment by nurse leaders and taking care of the beliefs, ideas, and personal values of team members. As Jackie made decisions on her own without asking for recommendations from other staff members. She canceled meetings without informing anyone and had inappropriate behavior toward other nurses. This caused inconvenience and frustrated the staff. Transformational leadership strategy will aim to ensure that the leader will give value to all the staff members. It will foster an environment where all the staff under the leader will be valued and given a sense of empowerment by getting involved in the decision-making process and designing intervention plans. 

Applying a transformational leadership strategy in this case study will increase collaboration among the staff which will reduce misunderstandings among them. Additionally, the strategy will help Jackie to professional behavior in the work environment by following a proper communication style and dress code.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 3 Intervention Strategy 

To meet the standard of effective communication among the leader and staff, routine huddles among them could be arranged to increase collaboration. Staff can attend round table meetings to address specific healthcare-related issues. There will be an increase in sense of empowerment among staff when they will be involved in the decision-making process. It will help them create a good relationship between staff and leader. Moreover, training could be provided to the leaders before handing them over their responsibilities for they to perform their duties effectively. According to Batras et al. (2016), organizational change theory can be implemented in the organization for the leaders that will ensure success in developmental initiatives in interventions. Organizational change models will help leaders learn more about the needs of the organization, help them implement necessary changes, and aid the leaders to effectively adopt the positive changes. A study by Hamm et al. (2021) depicts that TeamSTEPPS program should be developed the organization that will necessary strategies for promoting effective teamwork and communication in the organization It will lead to positive outcomes such as improved collaboration and better patient outcomes. Jackie would be able to reduce her communication mistakes which will help her to gain the staff’s trust and enhance patient safety.

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