The purpose if this interview is to discuss the interdisciplinary issue regarding

management and nursing staff in respects to quality improvement concerns. I interviewed my

prison organizations quality improvement coordinator, Steve Kuhlman. His job is to monitor and

verify that all health care providers are delivering and documenting expected care to the inmates

in the prison system (S. Kuhlman, personal communication, October 18, 2021). The issue that he

has been homing in on is making sure that patients who take medications that require a prior

authorization (PA), are getting their medications and not running into the issue of being unable to

fill their prescriptions due to the fact of their PA expiring (S. Kuhlman, personal communication,

October 18, 2021). I talked to Steve about how the issue became prevalent and what actions he is

taking to address the problem and to prevent it from happening in the future. Steve and I also

talked about how the Health Care Administrator (HCA) has become involved in this issue and

what role he is taking to make sure this issue is taken care of. There will also be discussion of

change theories that could lead to interdisciplinary solutions, leadership strategies that could

address an interdisciplinary solution, and collaboration approaches for interdisciplinary teams.

Some of the strategies that I used during the interview were to take notes. I wanted to

make sure that everything that was said was not forgotten. A point was also made to ask open-

ended questions in order get the most out of the answers that were given, leading to a more

thorough research paper. I also made sure that I listened more and spoke less, giving the

interviewee ample amount of time to give a descriptive answer and to show a genuine interest in

the topic at hand

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