Investigating The Link And Impact Of Leadership, Creativity And Innovation In Virgin Group

Investigating The Link And Impact Of Leadership, Creativity And Innovation In Virgin Group




The research proposal has been designed to propose a research study on the topic “Investigating the link and impact of leadership, creativity and innovation in Virgin Group”. For this purpose a very brief introduction has been presented to provide base to the title. Significance, research objectives and questions have also been designed which will be further unveiled in the research. A literature has also been presented so as to provide foundation to the research topic. Research design and methodology has been proposed such that data collected becomes easy. Moreover, a complete research timescale has been developed which will be followed.


























The research will investigate three main variables namely creativity, innovation and leadership with respect to Virgin Group. The title of the research will be

“Investigating the link and impact of leadership, creativity and innovation in Virgin Group”


In the current era or in the modern business environment, there is a rapid transformation in the business practices and also in the processes through which the products and good are produced. The main reason behind this transformation is technology and the integration of innovation and creativity in the business processes. In addition to this the leadership is also greatly affected by the transformations and also the leadership is involved in the effective integration of innovation and creativity in the procedures and processes. The research will deal with the leadership and the analysis of leadership with respect to innovation and creativity.

Researches have identified how strategy, culture, organisational structure and other management tools can bring competitive advantage and effectiveness to the organisations (Galbraith, 2002). Galbraith (2002) has also identified that first source of competitive advantage in the 21st century organisation are creativity and innovation but very few organisations have unveiled the role of leadership in the innovation. The organisations which are creative are not an accident but at the back end there are leaders who deliberate change in the culture, structure and process so as to transform the organisations to effective, creative and productive organisations (Gardner, 2000; Weinzimmer, 2001; Realin, 2003). It is believed that success is brought through strategy, culture, organisational structure and other management tools becomes the source of competitive advantage but the truth is that it is the leadership which is the main source of competitive advantage as being identified in the research work of Wheatley (2001). Leaders are the catalyst that manage as well as create organisational culture, environment, and strategies which helps in encouraging and sustaining the effectiveness, innovation and success in the organisation.

The role of leaders cannot be neglected in organisations. They are the source of encouragement and this is done by providing and building inclusive and friendly working conditions as identified by Pfeffer (1998). It has been identified that the employee performance increases when leaders provide value, respect and harness the richness of backgrounds, ideas, as well as perspective of every employee (Meurling, 2004). New developments are encouraged by the leaders as according to Kuhn (1993). In a nutshell, an environment is produced which supports creativity and innovation.

The company which is selected to be researched is Virgin Atlantic. Virgin is one of the Leading investment group which was conceived by Sir Richard Branson in 1970. This Group has developed some of the successful businesses and entrenches various industries showed in the following figure

Figure 1: Virgin Group and Its businesses (self-developed)

It is giving jobs to 50000 people all around the world and is in 34 countries offering its various brands. The revenue generation in the year 2011 was £13bn. Virgin group is known for its quality products and services, the fun which it provides, innovating products and services, providing value to the money of the customers and providing the customer experience.

Virgin Atlantic is an innovative and creative company because of leadership of Richard Branson. This re

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