Is Abortion Beneficial or Harmful To a Teenager? Introduction

Is Abortion Beneficial or Harmful To a Teenager? Introduction



Abortion has been practiced for a very long period and various methods have been used. Some of the ancient methods include use of sharp objects and other traditional methods that were practiced by medicine men. Today, the methods have advanced and we have the use of medicine and surgical procedures. Different communities and different races have their own view in regards to Abortion.

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In many countries, abortion is an illegal procedure which is liable for punishment by law. However, some nations have gone to the extent of legalizing it, allowing its citizen to perform it freely. However, most nations feel that it’s an illegal procedure, unethical and unreligious. Most Christian and Muslim nations feel that everyone has the right to live and should not be deprived off this right. They argue that abortion amounts to murder and should not be allowed under any circumstance. However, others argue that, the mother has the absolute right to make her own choice whether t carry the pregnancy until it is due or to terminate.

This becomes even complicated when the person involved is a teenager. These are people who are still in school and are yet to achieve their dreams in life. Most of the teenagers get pregnant out of ignorance while others are raped. Denying these teenagers their right to make decision of whether to abort or not would amount to interfering with their personal life. It is true that, the parents, teachers, and the society have a right to protect teenagers by giving them advice and proper education although some of them can go beyond what the parent can even expect. No matter how these teenagers should be allowed to face the consequences of their actions, the question remains, what will happen to their future? Statistics show that more than 33% of all teen pregnancies are aborted.

This percentage is even higher on younger teenagers as compared to the older ones. Girls under the age of 15 years old have he highest abortion ratio compared to girls over the age of 15. This paper is an augmentative easy that gives the positive effects and the negative effects of abortion to a teenage girl. Part one of this paper looks at the benefits of abortion to a teenager. These benefits are based on the girl’s future life rather than her current condition. Part two looks at the harmful effects of abortion to a teenage girl, for instance, medical complications and emotional detachments. Part three and the final part is a synthesis of the main points of both augments; it shows that abortion is beneficial to a teenager.

Benefits of Abortion to a Teenager

This part offers the precedence to what necessitates abortion in certain situations where the rights of the pregnant woman override those of the unborn. Abortion has been one of the contentious issues in most nations of the world, especially in the United States of America. According to Roemer (1993), abortion should be recognized as a right of the individual in question; many citizens who contemplate abortion have experienced the disapprovals from a section of the society, especially the conservative Christians.

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In the history of abortion and its legality, there have been many legal changes that at sometimes legalize abortion and other times the legality of abortion is abolished. There has been a continuous debate on the abortion though it is legally practiced in some regions. The main issue that is hotly contested in the debate is when life really begins so that the debate shifts from merely thinking about whether abortion is morally good or bad to whether the act violates another person’s right of life or not. Taking into account both the life of the mother and that of the fetus, abortion is to some extent beneficial to a teenager (Women’s International Network, 1982).

Teenagers are children below the age of 18 years. This means that, they are still dependent on their parents for survival. These are children who are in learning institutions and are yet to accomplish their dreams in life. Most schools do not allow pregnant girls to go to school and if a girl gets pregnant she is forced to drop out of school. This is not the best way to help these girls. It does not matter how they got themselves pregnant but the fact remains that they are already pregnant.

Sending them out of school will not solve any thing; in fact it will make the situation worse because these children ar

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