Is Artificial Intelligence Threat or an Aid to the Future of Humanity?

Is Artificial Intelligence Threat or an Aid to the Future of Humanity?


As many of you know a new subject in our day by day is artificial intelligence. Many of us would like to know if this is a threat or an aid to the future of the humanity. There is a lot debate about the intrinsic proper or badness of AI. Yet perhaps the higher hazard in the brief to medium time period is our human dispositions to malicious intent. In any case we need to increase the governance that permits us to have self belief in the safety of AI.

At this point AI is the result of data pushed gaining knowledge of – it has no conscience and can not give an explanation for its reasoning. There is no implicit right or terrible to AI it will in reality reply with results that are derived absolutely through its learning. The suitable or badness of AI will for that reason be based totally on how well we educate the AI, and perhaps most importantly how properly we take a look at the AI.

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There have been countless screw ups of AI that increase challenge – the self-learning chat-bot that developed racist and sexist characteristics after solely a few days of being uncovered to the public; and the resume screening AI that filtered out younger ladies on the basis that they had gaps in their employment records (children).

Many implementations of new Technology have been tempered with the aid of organising controls and practices that make the science safe. Historically this has been thru each considerate sketch and responses to disasters. We can examine from the way that science domains like aircraft. If you look at the world today you will see that everyone is using artificial intelligence, at the market, in stores, at home, even when you use the coffee machine to buy a coffee. Even kids in our day are using AI like my daughter who is playing with Furby and my son his tablet. This toy Furby is using AI because you can pet it, it can dance, sing and eat. If you connect Furby to an app on the tablet that toy starts to play and sing with the characters in the app. It uses AI. So yes everyone is using AI from kids to adults. But we must know how to use it because in the future it may become a big problem to our society and a big problem to humanity.

There are a lot of debates in the world, many businessmen are trying to convince us that robots are going to be a big help in the future for us. They want to create robots to look and think like us like the one they have already created, Sophia.

Sophia was created in 2016 by David Hanson from Hanson Robotics and it can talk and act just like a human. It can answer questions that some of the people would not answer and you can have a real conversation with it. This is the first step to human destruction because some of the people, of the big engineers, will not stop at this prototype and they will like to do more and more advanced robots. This is not a good thing for us because robots will take our places. We know that AI it is helpful for us, for our industry, for our day by day life, for our jobs, for medicine, but as Rafael Reif said we must know how to combine AI with our values of life and we must know were to stop in creating this robots, this intelligent machines.

According to S. Makridakis the big impact on of the industrial and digital revolutions has, undoubtedly, been large on virtually all elements of our society, life, firms and employment. By examining analogous inventions of the industrial, digital and AI revolutions, this article claims that the latter is on target and that it would convey vast changes that will also affect all factors of our society and life. In addition, its have an impact on corporations and employment will be considerable, ensuing in richly interconnected corporations with decision making based on the evaluation and exploitation of “big” records and intensified, global opposition among firms. People will be capable of buying items and acquiring services from somewhere in the world the usage of the Internet, and exploiting the unlimited, extra benefits that will open through the considerable usage of AI inventions. The paper concludes that widespread competitive blessings will continue to accrue to these making use of the Internet broadly and willing to take entrepreneurial dangers in order to flip revolutionary products/services into worldwide industrial success stories. The best task going through societies and firms would be utilizing the advantages of

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