Is Sex-Selective Abortion Morally Acceptable?

Is Sex-Selective Abortion Morally Acceptable?


Sex-selective abortion is not ethically acceptable. First is significant to understand the difference between unrestricted abortion and “sex-selective abortion. Women have the basic right to decide when to have a child, several children to sire, and the right to bodily integrity, free from male enslavement of body invasion against her will. Even though women have the right not to be pregnant, be a parent, or have a child, these rights must not extend to choosing the type of child a child bring up. Sex selection implies there is no respect for humankind. Choosing sex is a “commodifying” practice that makes people things (de Silva de Alwis, 2018). The concepts of commodifying human beings are rising in the contemporary market context, which involves viewing people as objects to be viewed and moulded. Secondly, making choices before birth involves placing certain expectations on how the child will be. This concept alters the relationship between the parent and the unborn child, transiting from ‘gift’ to ‘contract.’ The idea of unconditional parenting erodes when the parents do not love their child based on their sex. Parents should morally love their children how they are or whoever they are (Rehmann-Sutter, 2021). Rejecting a child based on undesired sex is purely social reason and not ethically acceptable as it moves beyond the contractual model of the child-parent relationship.

Some governments are attempting to address the concept of sex selection by instilling solid policies and laws that criminalize healthcare professionals and women who obtain or provide safe abortions on the bases of fetal sex. Many scholars and ethics have disputed the assumption that sex selection is an individualized choice. Norms are cultural and socially shared; therefore, if sex selection is acceptable or regular, all children are affected and possibly commodified. Perspectives of medical ethics, sex selection, and abortion activities are offensive and awful from ethical and moral beliefs that abortion is the act of killing. Moreover, this practice is restricted in the sense of consequentialism and that principles of justice are the actual virtue of public judgment. The principle of justice implies respect for human life and dignity; thus, sex selection should be prohibited at all costs (Rehmann-Sutter, 2021).


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