Locate a brief video (approximately 5 minutes or less) portraying a group therapy session on YouTube or another website. B. Include the following sections: I. Application of Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. a. Include a brief description of the session and a link to the video in your initial discussion post. b. Analyze the interactions between the group members. Identify the phase of group formation the group appears to be in. Include your rationale and evidence for your treatment phase selection. c. Describe the therapeutic approach and techniques the therapist is using d. Discuss other therapy approaches that might be used by a therapist conducting the group.

Locate a brief video (approximately 5 minutes or less) portraying a group therapy session on YouTube or another website. B. Include the following sections: I. Application of Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. a. Include a brief description of the session and a link to the video in your initial discussion post. b. Analyze the interactions between the group members. Identify the phase of group formation the group appears to be in. Include your rationale and evidence for your treatment phase selection. c. Describe the therapeutic approach and techniques the therapist is using d. Discuss other therapy approaches that might be used by a therapist conducting the group.

Analyze the interactions between the group members. Identify the phase of group formation the group appears to be in. Include your rationale and evidence for your treatment phase selection. Since this is the initial session, participants do not seem to engage to each other. They did seem to communicate non-verbally by listening carefully when other participants are talking and nodding their head when they relate to other participants. Participants are in the forming phase of group formation. In this session, participants adapt being in the group, boundaries were set, and limited information was shared. According to Vaida et al. (2021), first session includes acquainting group members to each other, discussing goals and guidelines c. Describe the therapeutic approach and techniques the therapist is using The therapist is using process-oriented approach. The therapist is a leader of the group, and she focused on group experience rather than teaching them about a topic. She used imparting information technique by asking 3 questions to everyone and allowwing each participants share their thoughts and experience to other group members. Discuss other therapy approaches that might be used by a therapist conducting the group. As an alternative, the therapist could use psychodynamic technique. In this technique, therapist is focused on client’s problem and teaching them coping skills rather than group interactions. Therapist helps each client identify their unconscious motivation and needs and bring positive changes. References: Vaida, S., Șerban, D. (2021). Group development stages. A brief comparative analysis of various models. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Psychologia-Paedagogia, 66(1), 91-110

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