Management of the patients NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue

Management of the patients NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue


The patients brought for treatment most often face a barrier in getting screened properly for their disease which will later result in either the recurring of the disease or worsening of their condition. If the staff is not well aware of the condition of the patient and is working with lesser knowledge the patient will remain at the risk of recovering. Another thing that is observed for the inefficient screening of the patient is the low staff which may already be burdened with attending the other patients and not providing prominent care to every individual brought in the infrastructure of the hospital doesn’t have enough space the management of the patient would become a serious issue while providing care to all the patients. 

Management of the resources 

As discussed earlier, the hospital’s performance greatly relies on the resources they have obtained either in terms of the staff that has been hired or the systems that have been acquired for providing the treatment. If the hospital runs low on budget, the organization would gradually lack in providing better opportunities to the staff and low maintenance of their working condition. The healthcare system with a low budget will not be ready to invest in such a situation upon the health systems acquired and will focus on acquiring cheaper sources that will later create issues for the staff that is working with them 

Management of the Risk

Another issue analyzed is the management of the risk which may be observed if the risk is not identified and communicated on te to the higher authorities. If the staff is unable to identify the nature of the risk and the degree to which it can impose danger to the organization, they will ultimately be not able to communicate these to the higher staff and the issue will prevail to occur with massive disturbance later on. 

Identification and categorization of such factors are always necessary for the rationale to develop for handling these issues. A gap that remains in the communication of these issues will result in negligence and ultimately rise the unexpected abhorrent results. The discrepancies observed in the interdisciplinary coordination, lack of communication and discussion aggravate these issues to occur. 

Potential Solutions for the Problem or Issue

Since the hospitals and the staff i.e., nurses are met daily with the complex situations mentioned above that require the correct or precise decisions to be taken, they require critical thinking and reasoning which will help them in attaining the targeted result that is required (Rahimzadeh et al., 2018). One major skill that may be applied while dealing with the issues tactfully is the SOCRATIC technique which centralizes the attention for building the ability for critical thinking among the nurses since they are the first and foremost bodies who are dealing with the issues (Machine, 2019).

NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 4 Attempt 1 Analyzing a Current Health Care Problem or Issue

The Socratic technique inhabits the environment where critical thinking flourishes with the promotion of hypothesis building for any issue of concern with the formulation of strategies that provide profitable results. The technique would enable the working bodies to understand the nature and degree of the problem and how to counter them. The technique would be the most effective if the attitude of the worker goes in line with the technique. The technique in the system that suffers for risk assessment and analysis would be best applied through the formation of a coalition between the different disciplines of the hospitals where the leaders and the stakeholders come in direct contact with the staff working under them and ultimately creating the healthy environment where the issues are brought up to them with the innovative solutions for the issues.

The coalition then based on the critical thinking technique should inhabit the application of the tools or systems that would later help in lessening the discrepancies encountered. The introduction of the CRAAP tool application would then enable the nurses to look for evidence-based relevant sources that would help them in identifying both relevant and irrelevant sources and would provide support to their ideas. The ideas supported with relevant references could then be presented in front of the coalition during the meetings with the higher staff where both the issue and the solution would be discussed with them. Further, the hospital should invest in providing good opportunities to the nurses with the introduction of the EHR system that could help lessen the burden of storing and managing the data of the patients. The nurses should be allowed to be trained for the application of the system by hiring external expert bodies for

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