MAT FPX 2001 Assessment 1 Initial Survey Design Template MAT FPX 2001 Statistical Reasoning

MAT FPX 2001 Assessment 1 Initial Survey Design Template MAT FPX 2001 Statistical Reasoning


Prof. Name:


Initial Survey Design Template

John Smith 
August 28, 2023


 Provide your answers in the template below each question and submit this document as your assessment. Ensure that you do not modify any items on the template, except for adding or deleting space.

  • What is the topic of your survey?
    Is the proportion of veterans in transitional housing with disabling conditions higher than the overall number of participants?

  • Why is the topic important? How might the results of the study be used in your personal or professional life?
    Understanding the prevalence of participants with disabling conditions could shape the development of targeted programs to address these conditions.
    My professional role involves providing transitional housing to veterans experiencing homelessness. We offer temporary accommodation until permanent housing is arranged. Identifying the number of veterans with disabling conditions, including those with mental health issues, substance/alcohol abuse problems, and chronic health conditions, would help in determining the need for, and relevance of, specific programming.

  • What are the potential variables to be included in data gathering? You must include at least three variables that might be a part of your study. Write a minimum of one paragraph describing your potential variables.
    While numerous variables could be considered when examining this population, for this assignment, we will focus on the age of the participants, their gender, and the specific disabling conditions of the veterans. The age of the veteran is a crucial variable as it could influence the types of programming that may benefit the veteran. Gender is another important variable, encompassing various identities as determined by the participant, including male, female, transgender male to female, transgender female to male, etc. Gender plays a vital role in understanding the types of programs that would be appropriate. Lastly, the disabling condition is a significant variable as it directly affects the potential programming and may determine necessary resources and possible limitations.


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