MHA FPX 5020 Assessment 2 Project Proposal – Turnover within Nursing Name Capella university MHA-FPX 5020 Health Administration Capstone

MHA FPX 5020 Assessment 2 Project Proposal – Turnover within Nursing Name Capella university MHA-FPX 5020 Health Administration Capstone

  Executive Summary Sentara Healthcare has observed a rise in turnover rates among its nursing staff, exceeding the national average by 1.5%. This paper aims to investigate the issue of high nurse turnover in our local hospital. According to the United States Office of Personnel Management (2018), each additional percentage point in nursing turnover costs an average hospital approximately $300,000. Preliminary data analysis reveals average turnover rates ranging from 6.6% to 28.7%, with registered nurses experiencing the highest turnover at 16.8%. Moreover, hospitals with 250+ beds witness the highest turnover rates, whereas those with 200 beds or fewer show lower rates. With Sentara Healthcare operating 260 beds, addressing this issue becomes imperative. It is essential to develop a program focusing on fostering relationships, building commitments and confidence, recruiting skilled nurses, and retaining senior nurses. Introduction This section will delve into the increased turnover rates within the nursing field at Sentara Healthcare. The United States Office of Personnel Management (2018) highlights the substantial financial impact of nursing turnover on hospitals. By examining turnover rates through human resource and performance metrics, insights into nursing staff ratios at state and national levels will be gained. Aligning with Sentara’s strategic direction aimed at enhancing the quality of life for patients, clinicians, and communities, addressing high nursing turnover rates becomes crucial for achieving organizational objectives and fostering a culture of excellence in care. MHA FPX 5020 Assessment 2 Project Proposal – Turnover within Nursing Background The United States Office of Personnel Management (2018) emphasizes the role of the federal government in promoting success and safety for all Americans, including addressing workforce issues. Analyzing employee burnout, as advised by Wilson (2019), is crucial, especially in the nursing profession. Sentara Healthcare needs to assess environmental factors contributing to turnover rates to optimize performance and influence nurse turnover rates positively (Moore, 2017). Client Value Proposition Business Operations Finance Customer Service Organizational Learning and Growth Streamline care and delivery by ensuring patients are cared for in a timely manner. Increase annual revenue by 35%. Increase patient satisfaction by 60% within 12 months. Retain senior staff and create an effective employee retention program. Establish staffing policies maintaining a ratio of one nurse to every 5 patients. Increase nurse reimbursement rates to 20%. Improve patient wait times to a maximum of 20 minutes. Decrease turnover rates by 5%. Expected Outcomes and Precise Performance Measurement Qualitative and quantitative data from research articles will be gathered to gain insights into turnover issues at Sentara Healthcare. Statistical data will be presented through bar graphs and visual aids to facilitate understanding. Visual Data Displays Refer to the provided bar graph for visual representation of hospital and nursing turnover rates. Leadership Component As the project leader, I will oversee the implementation of a program aimed at reducing nursing turnover rates. Utilizing critical thinking and implementation strategies, I will conduct research to develop a comprehensive plan addressing turnover issues and fostering a culture of dedication and excellence among nursing staff. Project Timeline Refer to the outlined project timeline for key milestones and activities. Project Information Contact details for project personnel are provided for reference. References United States Office of Personnel Management (USOPM). (2018). 2018 Federal Workforce Priorities Report (FWPR). Retrieved from MHA FPX 5020 Assessment 2 Project Proposal – Turnover within Nursing Wilson, R. F. (2019). Nurse Leader Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Impact on Staff Satisfaction, Patient Satisfaction, and Turnover. Retrieved from Moore, R. L. (2017). Nurse Retention: Impact of Workplace Environment Assessments. Retrieved from

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