National, state, and local policy provisions that raise ethical questions or dilemmas for care coordination NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination

National, state, and local policy provisions that raise ethical questions or dilemmas for care coordination NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 2 Attempt 2 Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination


No system is perfect every system possesses its flaws but the state and the regulators have to make sure to keep their approach ethical by all means. The majority of people living in the shelter homes are usually the minorities and the treatment of such individuals does give a strong message to the world regarding the approach of the country. The government needs to make sure that they do not allow racial and ethical disparities to come in between the healthcare of the individuals. Institutional racism has been practiced in many organizations so government must intervene and design policies in a way that promotes justice and wellness of the people of the country. The religious and cultural norms of the people coming for health treatment should also be considered as several communities are not comfortable with getting treated by male nurses and doctors but at the time of treatment the family should be taken into confidence, and conversations should be carried out to make sure there are no confusions and conflicts between the health care professionals and the patients. These ethical questions do bring in a lot of problems for the people and government as it affects the image on the global level. The law enforcement agencies should make sure that the ethical concerns are covered, the role of nurses comes into account here that they need to make sure to gain proper insights about a person and ask about their concerns and treat them in the way they feel comfortable with. Patients at times want the healthcare professionals to keep the data to themselves and not to use it against them in any case. Confidentiality should be maintained, for example, if a person got shot after treating him/her the family should not be disturbed in any matter. When a person gets admitted to the hospital it should be made sure that the safety of that person and his family is not compromised at any cost. As the government provides funds to the hospitals for the treatment of patients that are less fortunate so before using those funds patients should be asked if they are okay with getting the treatment done by those funds. In some cases because of their beliefs and religious concerns patients do not like to use insurance and funding amounts for themselves. Government should inform the hospitals about the rights of the minorities and they should guide that every individual coming into the hospital should be respected and treated equally irrespective of their Color, race, and gender (Elias & Paradies, 2021)

The impacts of the code of ethics for nurses on the coordination and continuum of care

The code of ethics is something everyone working in any profession should practice it increases the empathy and character of an individual. It is very important to understand the difference between right and wrong as that makes you a responsible person. Nurses interact with patients the most so they need to make sure they follow proper ethics. Nurses should be well aware of the rights of each individual the birth rights of a baby, the rights of the minorities, and the treatment that needs to be done irrespective of race and gender of an individual (Choi et al., 2018). The role of nurses is quite intense they need to be everywhere, every decision-making needs to be done based on an ethical approach guided to them. The use of instruments and equipment needs to be done based on ethical education received by the nurses. The nurses should not only focus on patients but also on relationship building they should develop a system where they need to make sure they possess qualities like being reliable and relevant to the patients (Bey mirza et al., 2022). The people living in shelter houses for their medical needs depend on the healthcare personnel, the role of the nurse is to first fully examine the case of an individual and then prescribe the medications but as the people are not that privileged to purchase and consume the medicines so nurses should directly give them medicines relevant to the health condition of that individual. It is noticed that many old-aged individuals have lost their lives due to not getting the right treatment at the right time. Nurses should take all the decisions while considering and putting their duty first and every other thing should not be taken into account. The safety of the patients living in the shelter homes is very important so nurses should do everything in their capacity to keep them safe and treat them in a respectful manner that is ethically right (Nilsen et al., 2020).


The individuals living in the shelter homes should be treated just like other people in the hospitals coming for their treatment. The government and healthcare professionals need put joint efforts to maintain a health system that is based on equality and justice. The treatment programs should be launched by the government that provides the f

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