NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Attempt 3 Self-Assessment of Leadership Collaboration and Ethics

NHS FPX 5004 Assessment 3 Attempt 3 Self-Assessment of Leadership Collaboration and Ethics


The issue was a technical problem, and later I have identified it and directed to mask the identity of the patients. The issue regarding the patient identity and confidentiality protection was identified. As soon as the problem was detected, it was discussed with the concerned team members and hospital authorities. The software team was called to point out the problem in the second step. The team worked with the software team and made crucial changes to the data access profile. The patient personal data were masked in every access, and it was only opened for the concerned healthcare team. The hospital initiated the resolving statement and changes. The code of protecting identity and confidentiality was respected in the context. The professional code of ethics is very much applicable in the given context. In my opinion, the principles of ethics, mainly autonomy and justice, were violated. As a result, it can be stated that the ethical environment within the framework of an organization is reflected in the leader. This is because the leader builds and is developed by a leader. This is possible because the leaders possess an influential role within the framework of an organization.

Apart from these, Factors and qualities like integrity, responsibility, honesty, justice, fairness, accountability, and empathy are directly associated with the ethical framework of leadership (DeCamp et al., 2018). The answers in the questionnaires reflected the fact that maintaining integrity, virtuous qualities, and moral behavior builds the roadmap to ethical aspects of a leader. The value of ethical leadership is an essential factor that supports the ethical environment of a workplace setting. The reactions to the professional code of ethics to the professions of the facilitated member or participant answering the questionnaire helped to identify that leadership is all about the moral and ethical aspects, which are directly associated with the purity of the minds of the individuals and their intentions. 


The leadership quality needs to be appraised and reflected for better leadership outcomes. The assignment prepares the Master’s, preparing students to build awareness about the importance of leadership and ethical principles in modern healthcare settings. The identity of a leader and the role played by a leader reflects the virtuous qualities of the leader and play a vital role in maintaining an ethical framework within a workplace setting. In addition to this, a leader’s actions and behavior shape the ethical framework within a workplace setting. 


Belrhiti, Z., Giralt, A. N., & Marchal, B. (2018). Complex leadership in healthcare: a scoping review. International journal of health policy and management7(12), 1073.

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