NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation

Another consequence would be increased morbidity and mortality rate. A thorough examination of the foot and legs as well as HBA1c tests assists healthcare providers in early diagnosis and management of the disease using appropriate interventions. HBA1c is considered a biomarker for the diagnosis of diabetes whereas early and constant foot examination prevents the occurrence of diabetic foot ulcers (Kaiafa et al., 2020; Song & Chamber, 2023). Inadequate tests and examinations may lead to poor quality of care, delayed diagnosis, and treatment, and subsequently cause patients’ death. Lastly, the hospital as well as patients may encounter financial burdens due to high costs associated with the readmission rates and severe morbidities.

These consequences have various implications for the patients, the organization, and the teams. Due to poor quality and undesirable patient outcomes, patients may face concerns of limited healthcare access and reduced trust in the organization, and eventually, the diseases may aggravate. Hospitals and teams may encounter dissatisfaction levels, frustration, and decreased reputation within the healthcare sector. 

Evaluation of the Underperformed Benchmark

The national benchmark for foot examination and HBA1c test is significantly higher than the data from MMC. This indicates that according to the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, there is immense importance of these two tests in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes. The HBA1c test acts as an indicator of glycemic control in diabetic as well as non-diabetic patients. It is a reliable measure that not only depicts the state of hyperglycemia but also identifies the associated risks of diabetes and its complications. The results will help the interprofessional team to develop effective measures for the patients’ conditions (CDC, 2022). 

A study on the HBA1c test through point-of-care testing concluded that regular checkups of blood glucose testing especially HBA1c resulted in effective patient outcomes whereby patients shared high satisfaction levels (Smits et al., 2022). This indicates that HBA1c testing has positive outcomes on the appropriate diagnosis and management of diabetes. This will eventually improve the quality of healthcare and organizational performance against national benchmarks. 

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation

Another benchmark that holds importance in diabetes management is foot examination. Diabetic foot is one of the serious complications that is encountered by diabetic patients. NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation. This complication can lead to disability and even death in cases where early signs are not recognized. For this purpose, a foot examination is imperative. Recognition of early signs will reduce the risks of serious complications for the patient thus improving the quality of care (Zhao et al., 2023). Healthcare organizations that meet the national benchmark of foot examinations are more likely to improve patients’ quality of life and their organizational performance. 

Ethical and Sustainable Actions to Address Benchmark Underperformance

To address the underperformance of these benchmarks, MMC must take appropriate actions. These actions should be built on ethical principles and must be sustainable for lasting the changes for a longer period. Ethical actions are important as they will promote the control and management of diabetes for patients by addressing ethical dilemmas, providing patient-centered care, and improving the overall quality of life. The ethical principles that work in healthcare settings are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Autonomy is defined as patients’ right to make informed choices and are allowed to use their capacity for their health.

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation

Beneficence is described as an obligation for healthcare providers to work for the benefit of the patients and their families. Non-maleficence is about not harming the consumers and justice is to make actions and healthcare fair for every individual (Varkey, 2020). Some of the actions that must be taken in terms of diabetes screening to improve quality and performance are: 

  1. Patients must be informed about the importance of getting the tests done. Adequate information should be provided related to the importance, benefits, and disadvantages of not getting screened (Liang et al., 2022). This follows the ethical principle of autonomy and will become a sustainable action as patients will be able to make informed choices at every stage of their lives. 
  2. Effective education and training of nurses are essential to creating a

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