NHS-FPX 8040 21st-Century Health Care Leadership ​​​​​​​Table 1: Planned Intervention Components

NHS-FPX 8040 21st-Century Health Care Leadership ​​​​​​​Table 1: Planned Intervention Components


Planned Intervention Components


Training Staff Provide educational seminars and training to nurses, physicians, and surgeons on cultural competency and skin cancer prevention strategies.
Identifying Barriers Address barriers to program success, including access to healthcare services for patients in rural areas.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration Promote collaboration among healthcare staff and policymakers to foster empathy and generate innovative ideas.
Increasing Patient Knowledge Conduct campaigns and awareness sessions to increase patient knowledge about skin cancer prevention strategies.

Table 2: Measurement – Proposed Outcomes

Outcome Measure

Process Measure

Counter/Balancing Measure

Reduce mortality rate due to skin cancer from 7% to 5% Achieve an average of 5% skin cancer patients in the hospital Regular training sessions for staff after initial training
Regular screening tests for early detection of the disease    
Acknowledge patients through campaigns and sessions  

Table 3: Data Collection & Management Plan

Data Collection

Data Collector

Collection Timeline

Data Storage/Protection

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Opinions, experiences, and awareness of stakeholders Proficient auditor Start from project initiation, end with project completion Data stored in password-protected EHR; Confidentiality through HIPAA Address issues like cultural competence and quality of care using demographic data

NHS FPX 8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter Part 3

Table 4: Ethical Leadership Framework

Ethical Leadership Components


Quadruple Aim of the program Consider patient experience, population health, lowering patient costs, and staff satisfaction.
Quintuple Aim (Extended Quadruple Aim) Include equity as the fifth component, addressing healthcare disparities.
Staff Benefits from Frameworks Improved treatment, efficient communication, comprehension of patient requirements, job satisfaction, and provision of high-quality care.
Consideration of Vulnerable Groups Address ideas and viewpoints of marginalized groups, ensuring access for vulnerable populations such as those in rural areas, facing financial instability, or subject to racial discrimination.
Leadership Styles Employ credible leadership styles, such as transformational or innovative, considering participant well-being for efficiency and efficacy.
Training Importance Emphasize the importance of staff training to ensure accurate information delivery and following the Quadruple/Quintuple Aim for enhanced performance.

Table 5: SWOT Analysis

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Organizational and executive support for the project Lack of training among staff
Community outreach for awareness and resources Inadequate staff leading to increased mortality rates
Good standing with community stakeholders Resistance or hesitancy among staff for training