NHS FPX 8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter Part 3 - Online Class Services

NHS FPX 8040 Assessment 3 Project Charter Part 3 - Online Class Services

Project Charter

Ariel Casillas Jr

Part 3
Planned Intervention Plan – This phase involves bringing together the team members and briefing them on the activities (SWOT analysis, 2018). In addition to training every member on the relevant education and vaccination activities, the team leader will determine the appropriate education and vaccination activities. There will be a DNP student who will act as the point person in the phase, which will last a week. As part of the implementation phase, nurses will provide patient education and vaccinations upon consent. The care process for this program is included in this phase. This phase will last for six weeks under the supervision of the nurse manager. A review of the vaccination process will be conducted during this phase, including a review of the number of older adults vaccinated. An annual report will be prepared by the quality manager on vaccination status and nurse adherence. A week will pass before the evaluation is completed. Throughout the 8-week period, pneumonia-related hospitalization and mortality rates will be monitored in order to evaluate the project. A PDCA cycle concludes with an improvement phase, which will be implemented after 6 weeks. To make the project more productive next year, we will use the report produced in the previous stage along with available evidence. Improvement efforts will be overseen by the quality manager.
Measurement: Proposed Outcomes
Develop outcome, process, and counter/balancing measures for your project.
  Outcome Measure  Process MeasureState 1–2 process measures that address: Counter/Balancing Measure As you are not implementing the project, develop counter/balancing measures that might be anticipated if the planned intervention is implemented..
  Staff involvement in the implementation of PCV 13 VaccineProjection rate of 85% of nurses to be involved in process and administration of vaccine Nurses will be prepared and educated on vaccine. Checklist to be completed with all the required steps Nurse in charge to make sure checklist are up to date and completed correctly
  Nursing administration involvement in vaccine process. Nurses administration to have a rate of 100% participation and knowledge Administration will be available to administer and educated and train on vaccine to staff and patients Nursing management to make sure checklist are documented correctly and staff educated
  Compliance with the checklist. Nursing staff to utilize the checklist 100%. Nursing to work with patients and administration on completion  N/A
Data Collection & Management
Use the table below to develop a plan for the collection, management, and stewardship of the data you will collect for your Project Charter. Use at least one source/citation to support your data collection plan.
Data Collection Data Collector Collection Timeline Data Storage/Protection Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion    
Patient demographics Nurses Upon patient interaction first visit EMR, Protected by the software and spyware of EMR system that is built in. Each user will have a secured passcode Data will be interpreted by answers on checklist. Concern will be if patient does not answer the questions correctly.  
Past Medical History Nurses Upon patient interaction first visit EMR, Protected by the software and spyware of EMR system that is built in. Each user will have a secured passcode Data wi

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