NHS4000 Applying Library Research Skills

NHS4000 Applying Library Research Skills

Applying Library Research Skills

Mental health is a topic that is often surrounded by some level of stigma. In addition, there is a significant amount of mental health care disparity among African Americans, people of color, and minorities, as compared to other groups. For reasons that include lack of access, cultural perspectives, and lack of representation, these groups are less likely to receive mental health care at all or even of equal quality.

As an African American woman who has long suffered from mental illness, this topic is relatable on a personal and professional level. Being a nurse and recognizing and witnessing the disparities piques my interest further than just having experienced it for myself. Even though it may be true that no one person can change the health care disparities among groups, every little thing counts. I have not worked in a psychiatric setting, but in any health care setting, one can encounter mental health situations. There have been instances for me when an African American person experiencing a mental health situation has been more apt to be open or receptive to information and care because there is commonality. In any regard, any of the nursing staff would be equipped to handle this, as we all learn about cultural and economic differences among groups. Still, having these experiences helps me to recognize that the health care disparity in this area exists and allows me to be cognizant of how many elements can work together to close the gaps.

Identifying Academic Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Through Summons and Pubmed, two databases that carry articles from multiple sources, I was able to access peer reviewed and scholarly articles related to healthcare disparities among African Americans related to mental health. Through advanced searching, I was able to narrow my search to articles from the last five years and ensure that they were peer reviewed and scholarly. Combining a search with keywords such as “health disparities”, “racial”, “mental health”, and “equity”, I was able to access relevant and peer reviewed information.

Assessing Credibility and Relevance of Information Sources

By searching for articles that were scholarly, peer reviewed, and within the last five years, I was able to secure credible information. Furthermore, by checking the credentials of the authors, I was assured that the information acceptable among the health care community.

As it pertains to having relevant information, I made sure the articles had authoritative sources and accurate information. This was also seen through the use of factual information as opposed to uncited, opinion based information.

Annotated Bibliography

Alang, S. M. (2019). Mental health care among blacks in america: Confronting racism and constructing solutions. Health Services Research54(2), 346–355. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6773.13115

In this article, the authors explore reasons blacks do not receive mental health care they may need, factoring in racism, and possible solutions. For example, blacks are less likely to seek care and if they do, they receive a lower level of care. This article examines the topic from an individual level up to an organizational level. Through exploration of qualitative and quantitative data, the authors aim to explain why blacks have a higher rate of unmet need and how to reduce that. The article concludes that blacks should look to self-reflection and at an organizational level racism should be explored. Many elements play a role in both levels and must be confronted to implement better mental health care conditions for blacks.

Cook, B., Hou, S.-Y., Lee-Tauler, S., Progovac, A., Samson, F., & Sanchez, M. (2018). A review of mental health and mental health care disparities research: 2011-2014. Sage journalshttps://doi.org/10.1177/1077558718780592

This article summarizes research related to the mental health differences and disparities among minority groups as compared to Whites, the root causes, and interventions for reduction of those disparities. Furthermore, the article mentions how blacks and Hispanics had an increase in mental health care disparities during the timeframe of the study. The authors used a set of criteria to categorize and sort the articles being researched. As a main criterion for the research, the articles reviewed were those funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Overall, the study concluded that the implementations being put forth by NIMH has widened the research into mental health care disparities, but the research needs to continue to determine significance and the eff

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