NMC Prioritise people Standard 3

NMC Prioritise people Standard 3

Fundamentals of professional practice

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NMC Prioritise people Standard 3

The current study will focus on a critical appraisal of NMC prioritise people standard 3 that ensures that nurses identify and respond to the people's psychological, social, and physical needs. The rationality of choosing this topic is due to the overarching need to provide wholesome care to the patients. Nursing dictates that nurses must base the treatment modalities and interventions on their patients to attain optimum results (Sevilla Guerra et al., 2018, P.101). This aspect is a fundamental factor of consideration since it culminates in a positive overall outcome for the patients. This NMC code compels nurses to offer wholesome care to their patients through addressing their physical, social, and psychological needs. According to Keyko et al., (2016), these are the most fundamental parameters that must be addressed in a patient to ensure overall positive recovery. The consideration of this topic is also informed by the need to adopt person-centred care in nursing practice. Virtually, this approach ensures that all treatment interventions are done after critical consideration of patient-specific parameters. 

According to Mackey and Bassendowski (2017), evidence-based practice must be done by adopting a patient-centred approach. On the other hand, nurses must ensure that treatment interventions conducted on a patient are informed by evidence collected thereto. This proposition implies that nurses must focus on physical, psychological, and emotional attributes to determine rational interventions that will improve specific patients' overall improvement. The consideration of this topic is vital as it offers a helpful direction to nurses regarding patient's diagnostic criteria and medications to be prescribed in managing specific conditions. 

 Habibi et al., (208) cite that it is the prerogative of nurses to assess a patient's needs and interpretive results for effective treatment. This aspect also incorporates nurses' ability to deliver up-to-date care in a record time to avert lethal consequences such as comorbidities or mortalities. In this respect, ensuring that all fundamental interests of a patient are taken care of is critical to achieving the desired positive results. The NMC code 3 calls for increased efforts by nurses to pay close attention to the patients by promoting well-being, prevention of ill health, and meeting the challenges that patients may experience during their care process. These objectives are achieved by ensuring that nurses form a close relationship with their patients to monitor deviations from normal health. As Cagle et al., (2017) pointed out, the formation of a close bond between a patient and the nurses allows for the assessment of vital signs that inform evidence-based medication. As dictated by NMC standard 3, the formation of such a relationship is vital to enable nurses to recognise and respond to the patients' needs compassionately. 

The chosen chapter also calls for nurses to advocate for their patients by addressing their health needs and mitigating discriminatory advances that may hinder effective treatment. In this respect, this standard encourages nurses to stand up for the patients' rights, including challenging poor health practices relating to their care. The fundamental benefit of this attribute is that patients receive high-quality care.

Patient advocacy has been cited as a fundamental aspect of ensuring that service users attain high-quality care that improves their overall outcome (Davoodvand,  Abbaszadeh & Ahmadi, 2016, p. 9). Therefore, the focus of this topic guides nurses to act in the best interest of the patient. One of the focuses of the nursing code of conduct concepts is to allow for inter-professional collaboration in the delivery of quality patient care. This approach ensures that people's physical, social, and psychological attributes are assessed and responded to. As pointed out by Reeves et al., (2017), inter-professional collaboration in healthcare allows for a critical assessment of relevant health and social care, including providing vital information to support the patient when needed. The proposition that patients will receive care from specialists implies that it is possible to address the psychological, social, and physical needs that negatively impact the attainment of high-quality care.

From a similar perspective, healthcare specialization dictates that nurses will handle the task that they are best suited to perform. From the preceding discussion, the rationale for choosing standard 3 of the NMC is informed by its ability to confer wholesome care to the patients and its imperativeness

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