Conducting this Health History provided an opportunity for reflection on the entire interaction with the interviewee. To ensure effective therapeutic communication, I considered various aspects such as the environment, my approach to the individual, and the time of day. Throughout the process, I aimed to apply what I have learned and engage professionally and empathetically. Comparing my interaction with what I knew, I found that many communication techniques and principles were applicable and practical. Active listening, open-ended questioning, and non-verbal cues encouraged the interviewee to share their health history. Building rapport and establishing trust were crucial elements, and I attempted to create a comfortable and non-judgmental environment.

Several aspects of the interaction went well. The interviewee seemed comfortable and willing to provide the necessary information. Their responses were detailed and relevant to the health history assessment components. Additionally, I maintained a professional demeanor and demonstrated empathy throughout the interview. However, there were some barriers to communication that I experienced. The interviewee occasionally provided vague or incomplete answers, making obtaining a comprehensive health history challenging. I used probing techniques to encourage further elaboration and clarification to overcome this. In the future, I will refine my probing skills to ensure all necessary information is obtained.


During the interview, I encountered unanticipated challenges, such as the interviewee’s difficulty recalling specific details of their past medical history. This required me to adapt my approach by using memory prompts, such as asking about significant events or milestones, to jog their memory and obtain as much information as possible. In hindsight, I wished I had brought certain pieces of information. For example, I realized later that I had not asked about the interviewee’s social support system, which could be essential for their overall well-being. This highlights the need for a more structured and comprehensive approach in future health assessments to ensure no critical information is overlooked.

To alter my approach next time, I will develop a checklist or guide to ensure that all relevant aspects are covered during the interview. This will help me gather a more thorough health history and address potential gaps. Additionally, I will continue to enhance my communication skills and actively seek feedback to improve my interviewing techniques. In terms of written communication, I have tried to synthesize my prior knowledge, newly acquired information and demonstrate practical writing skills. I have strived to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation to ensure clarity and coherence in expressing my thoughts and reasoning. By adhering to these writing standards, I aim to convey my understanding of the assignment and effectively communicate my reflections and insights.

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