NR 524 Week 2 Assignment Mission Statement Paper NR 524 Week 2 Assignment Mission Statement Paper Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to (a) develop a mission statement, (b) identify consistency between the program mission statement and the parent institution, (c) identify collaborative input from classmates in the development of a mission, and (d) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner. Download the guidelines and rubric using the link below.

NR 524 Week 2 Assignment Mission Statement Paper NR 524 Week 2 Assignment Mission Statement Paper Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to (a) develop a mission statement, (b) identify consistency between the program mission statement and the parent institution, (c) identify collaborative input from classmates in the development of a mission, and (d) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner. Download the guidelines and rubric using the link below.

An introduction and conclusion are required in the paper.

Mission Statement Paper

Mission statement plays an important role in providing the overall objective of an organization. However, mission statements can also guide the development of a curriculum associated with a certain course. This endeavor ensures that curriculum developers understand exactly what a course should entail and that it directs instructors to achieve certain course objectives. Indeed, the development of such mission statements is critical since its letter and spirit are discharged via activities of a faculty such as teaching as well as scholarship. Indeed, mission statements offers educators stronger motivation and offers students with a clearer picture regarding what the faculty values in a course (ten Cate & Simonia, 2018).  The process of developing mission statements is largely influenced by the existing organizational mission statement. Further, the process of creating a mission statement may have influence from various quarters such as fellow students and sometimes even instructors. The present paper will seek to create a mission statement for the NR 524 course, analyze its congruence to Chamberlain University’s mission statement and also examine the contribution of colleagues to the formulation of the same.

Mission Statement Development

 The process of developing the course’s mission statement started in Week 1 of the course. During that period, the following mission statement was formulated by the author:

“To provide all students with exceptional nursing education and prepare professional nurses who personify a culture of care. To create a learning environment for nursing students where knowledge is not only created but shared as well. To provide students with the tools to serve the everchanging healthcare needs of patients, families and communities. And to provide leadership in nursing and advancement in the nursing profession. ”

However, the above mission statement did not meet the threshold required to be considered an excellent mission statement. Thus, a collaboration with my peers at Chamberlain and the assignment rubric were used to formulate a proper mission statement. As a result of the above process, the following mission statement was formulated:

“To advance nursing knowledge and professional practice preparation in a manner that enhances the health of families, individuals, populations and communities. The program seeks to empower nursing students with evidence-based nursing knowledge and tools that align with the contemporary changes in health care.”

The above mission statement succinctly captures the mission of the course and it has been revised to meet the threshold established by the rubric. As such, using it will provide directions to the instructors undertaking the various classes in the present program to produce competent nurses out of the students.

Consistency between the Mission Statement and Chamberlain’s

The formulation of a course’s mission statement should be inspired by the parent institution’s principal mission statement. Chamberlain University’s Missions is to “To educate, empower and embolden diverse healthcare professionals who advance the health of people, families, communities and nations” (Mission and Vision”,n.d).This mission statement has captured all the important tenets of a proper mission statement. It has addressed the guiding principles for the university’s service and education endeavors. The formulation of the author’s mission statement in the above paragraph adopted the same methodology. The two statements seek to advance nursing knowledge by using educating nursing students using relevant tools to produce competent professionals. Secondly, the mission statements seek to ensure that the nursing students are equipped with ready appropriate skills to offer care to similar populations. As such, both the mission statement for the program and the university’s mission statement are tailored to achieve the same objectives.

Collaborative Input from Classmates

Establishing an appropriate mission statement requires brainstorming amongst not only curriculum developers but also all the stakeholders. Having the above in mind, the author approached their peers in order to help fine tune the original missions statement. The reason for approaching the students was steeped in the notion that they form a fundamental part of the course and the resultant product would hypothetically affect them. To this end, the approached students each participated actively in conducting broader research concerning the nature of a typical mission statement (Keating, 2018). Armed with the knowledge, the group

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