NRS-429VN – VARK Analysis Paper VARK Analysis

NRS-429VN – VARK Analysis Paper VARK Analysis


Since birth, human beings are continually learning, and their learning styles differ depending on the person. It is thus essential for each to identify the learning style that best suits them (Bhagat et al., 2015).  A specific analysis tool is the Visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic (VARK) allows one to recognize their style that better prepares them throughout their educational process. Neil Fleming designed the tool in 1987 as a sixteen question assessment scores. After tallying the results, the tool shows where the individual falls within the five strategies. Understanding an individual’s learning styles improves the capacity of teaching others in different settings. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the nurse’s scores of the VARK questionnaire, compare their identified learning style with the rest and identify the required changes to improve one’s learning behavior NRS-429VN – VARK Analysis Paper.

Learning styles are the modes used to collect, interpret, process and reflect on educational materials. Learning preferences are those modalities in which one has a natural preference for (Almigbal, 2015). Students are different in their learning preferences, and it is crucial for educators to effectively deliver information in accordance with the demands of the students. Learners understand proficiently when teaching approaches combine different activities which exhilarate and enhance the visual, aural, read/ write and kinesthetic learning modalities.


After tallying the scores, I identified myself as a multimodal with a firm emphasis on read/write and kinesthetic. Multimodal refers to the combination of two or more learning types. According to Fleming, multifocal individuals are more flexible on how they deliver information NRS-429VN – VARK Analysis Paper. However, such individuals require sensory input and output through all modes before they become satisfied with what they have learned. As a nurse, I was not surprised with the results as I tend to utilize read/write and kinesthetic modalities in most learning processes.

The highest scores were in kinesthetics, which I agree to, since doing activities hands-on provides me with a better understanding of the educational material. For example, when carrying out clinical rotations, I am better adapted to certain activities after doing them. An example is the insertion of catheters. I excel well by overlapping the two modalities using hands-on approach, visual aids, dictionaries and handouts. When studying for exams and quizzes, I find textbooks and other written materials of great importance.

As a kinesthetic learner, I am partial in acquiring knowledge through practice and exposure. Rather, I find the acquisition of knowledge associated with reality. I grasp information best by utilizing all the senses such as smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste. Particularly, working in the hospital laboratory, participating in field trips, listening to lectures on real-life circumstances, working hands-on and, looking at recipes that are capable of resolving a problem are of great significance. Retaining information is enhanced through the reduction of notes and using illustrations to illuminate a concept.

In the third and fourth position were visual and aural modalities. It reflects my preference for visual modality since picture graphs and coloration grab my attention and enable me to remember the content taught. Particularly, I utilize the aural modality through engagement in discussions with classmates since talking about a subject increases my understanding. During the comparison, I noted that my preferred style is visual and kinesthetic. The fact that the visual modality was not at the top of the list was however astonishing. Kinesthetic modality topped the list, and I found it odd that visual modality and learning from doing correlate NRS-429VN – VARK Analysis Paper.

I scored in all the four modalities, reflecting the usefulness and the capability of adapting in various learning situations. Nonetheless, I feel that aural learning modality presents the possibility of errors. One should learn the relevant knowledge and understand and not repeating it in their head over and over. Similarly, read/ write contributes to memorization. In the field of nursing, nurses should gain knowledge through understanding instead of memorizing a material which could be tested as a broader subject later.

After reviewing the learning styles, it is imperative to note that some modifications are required to improve my learning capabilities. Significant changes include incorporating more books and diagrams. Also using a tape recorder to brainstorm ideas and explaining data to people unfamiliar with what they are learning is essential. Information o

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