NU 605 Week 2 Assignment Annotated Bibliography Nursing and Leadership Styles NU 605 Week 2 Assignment Annotated Bibliography Nursing and Leadership Styles Read at least three scholarly articles on nursing and leadership styles. Summarize and critically analyze each article separately (250–300 words for each article’s annotated bibliography). For each article, determine the following:

NU 605 Week 2 Assignment Annotated Bibliography Nursing and Leadership Styles NU 605 Week 2 Assignment Annotated Bibliography Nursing and Leadership Styles Read at least three scholarly articles on nursing and leadership styles. Summarize and critically analyze each article separately (250–300 words for each article’s annotated bibliography). For each article, determine the following:


The current healthcare system makes extensive use of various forms of technology in order to enhance patient care, which has been linked to better overall patient outcomes. The provision of care for patients, which includes encouraging patient participation in that care, is the primary responsibility that I have as a nurse. At the moment, patient engagement is serving as the foundation of high-quality care, and one of the stated objectives of healthcare organizations is to increase its prevalence. There is a correlation between patients being actively involved in their own care and better health outcomes, as well as an increase in the level of patient satisfaction. Patients are able to more easily participate in their own care as a result of technological advancements such as e-mail, text messaging, and patient portals that are accessible online. A patient portal is a secure online website that is utilized by healthcare systems to provide patients with access to their own personal health information from any location in the world where they have access to the internet. Patients are able to access this information from any location in the world. Patients have the ability to access their own health records, which may include information about their most recent visits to the doctor, by entering a username and password that are kept strictly confidential. Patient portals, which allow patients to have secure communication with their providers and access to their electronic medical records, may encourage patients to take an active role in their healthcare (EMRs). Articles that promote the utilization of patient portals as a means to enhance nursing quality and safety will be discussed in this section. I was able to retrieve four articles from the reputable medical database known as PubMed Central, which is utilized to locate reliable evidence for various medical procedures. In order to verify the validity of the chosen journals and articles, I applied the CRAAP test. During the course of my investigation, I used a variety of search terms, some of which included patient engagement, patient portals, and electronic personal health records.


Alving, B. E., Christensen, J. B., & Thrysøe, L. (2018). Hospital nurses’ information retrieval behaviours in relation to evidence-based nursing: a literature review. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 35(1), 3-23.

Alving et al., (2018) wrote this article following the systematic review method. The goal of this review of the literature was to give an overview of how clinical nurses find and use information, including how often they use databases and other information resources. A population, exposures, and outcomes (PEO) search strategy was used to find the studies, with a focus on which databases or other sources of information hospital nurses use to find evidence-based information and how often they do so. Five databases were used to do the methodical searches. Authors/researchers often say that they use Google and its competitors because they don’t have enough time, information, retrieval skills, or training in database searching. Only a few studies have been done on how clinical nurses retrieve things, and more research is needed from Europe and Australia.


Lee, S. E., & Quinn, B. L. (2019). Incorporating medication administration safety in undergraduate nursing education: A literature review. Nurse education today, 72, 77-83.

Students in nursing programs have improved their competency in medication safety thanks to the use of simulation exercises, technological tools, and online learning modules. Because not all nursing programs may have access to simulation technology, particular technological aids, or online learning, educators ought to take into consideration developing and evaluating educational interventions that can be implemented within the classroom setting. The competencies of nursing students, such as their understanding of safe medication administration, should be evaluated in subsequent research using psychometrically sound instruments, which should either be developed or used already.


Casillas, A., Abhat, A., Mahajan, A., Moreno, G., Brown, A. F., Simmons, S., & Szilagyi, P. (2020). Portals of change: how patient portals will ultimately work for safety net populations. Journal of medical Internet research, 22(10), e16835.

The article gives examples of how patient portals may help people who don’t get enough care get the care they need. Casillas et al. (2020) say that research shows a link between using patient portals and better care and health outcomes, especially for people with long-term illnesses. The authors also say that patients can manage ma

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