NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan Sample Paper

NUR-590 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan Sample Paper


Implementation of the project is critical as it involves actualizing the ideas discussed in the project proposal through practice. Implementation is among the various stages of this project to help incorporate an evidence-based project (EBP) inpatient care to enhance the quality of care and cost-effectiveness (Baier et al., 2020).

Therefore, this project will focus on implementing daily use of chlorohexidine to bathe central lines to prevent central-line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) in patients admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU). This paper will focus on the setting for project implementation, stakeholders, resources, time, the process of intervention, cost, instruments, data collection plan, barrier identification and management, facilitators, and feasibility of the project.


The implementation of this project will be done in the ICU. Most of the patients admitted to the ICU are prone to infections due to various reasons, including weakened immunity, high morbidity levels, invasive life-saving procedures, and the presence of various disease-causing pathogens in this setting (Baier et al., 2020). Therefore, all healthcare providers, including clinicians and nurses, will be involved in the implementation process. Participants in the projects must be nurses who have worked in the ICU for at least six months. Healthcare workers in other settings or those less than six months of service will be excluded.

All patients with central lines admitted to ICU will be included in the study. Comparatively, patients will be grouped into groups as either; cases who will be bathed with chlorhexidine or controls who will be cleaned using normal saline only. The participants will be provided with a consent form before participating in the project. Notably, the consent will indicate the project’s purpose to reduce CLABSI in six months by daily bathing of central lines using chlorhexidine. Finally, participants will be allowed to leave the project at any time of their choice without intimidation.


A minimum of ten weeks will be required to implement this project. Various activities will be carried out at specific times within the ten weeks. The first week will be spent identifying stakeholders as well as champion nurses. The second week will involve identification and gathering resources needed for implementation.

In the third week, the staff will be trained about the components of the EBP project to improve their skills and knowledge about the project.. Potential barriers and facilitators will be identified in week four. The actual implementation will be done between weeks five and nine. In week ten, any modifications will be made to enhance project implementation. Therefore, if time is spent as stipulated in this project, success in implementation will be achieved.


Various resources will be required to implement this project in varied capacities effectively. The resources will include both humans and tools. Human resources needed for this project include champion nurses, nurse trainers, and competent nurse practitioners. The nurse is required in this process as they are the primary caregivers.

Furthermore, engaging them makes them feel valued and motivated, making them take part to enhance project implementation (Ward et al., 2018). In addition, defining each member`s role and position will help implement the project. These roles will be defined by personal qualifications, competence, and individual commitment to the project. For instance, nurse champions and nurse trainers will educate and train the participating nurse practitioners about bathing central lines with chlorohexidine. Demonstration of skills will enhance training.

Furthermore, they will observe how nurse practitioners carry out the process while reminding them about the correct procedures. Funds will be required in addition to human resources. Funds will be needed to purchase equipment, including training materials, computers, restock chlorohexidine, and compensate champion nurses and nurse trainers for their services.

Methods and instruments

A satisfaction survey will be used to assess the effectiveness of using chlorohexidine to reduce CLABSI in ICU patients. Completion of auditing will require the use of an auditing tool. Auditing will involve comparing data from various sources regarding the use of chlorohexidine and its outcomes. The results will guide the expected outcomes and hence the whole process.

In addition, questionnaires and laboratory tests will help collect data regarding the intervention’s effectiveness. The participating nurses will be required to fill the questionnaires. According to Huskins et al. (2018), questionnaires are simple to us

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