Developing leadership philosophies is an essential aspect of effective leaders and leadership. Such philosophies are key to helping such leaders have the necessary skills they can use to impact their work environment effectively. Effective leadership helps in improving organizational and employee performance to the required levels hence improving an organization’s profitability and reputation (Cassiani et al., 2018). The implication is that nurse leaders should have personal leadership philosophies that can give them direction and offer connection with an organization’s mission and vision, and personal goals. As such, it is imperative that every leader possess such a philosophy, implying that individuals need to learn how to formulate such philosophies. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to discuss my leadership philosophy while focusing on various aspects, such as the core values, mission, and vision statements and the assessment results obtained from the Clifton Strengths assessment. In addition, this write-up will explore strategies for improving identified weaknesses. 

A Description Of The Core Values 

As earlier indicated, core values form an integral part of leadership philosophies. In addition, core values form part of nursing practice as they help direct and influence professional actions and conduct (Schmidt & McArthur, 2018). Therefore, it is key for an effective leader to nurture and demonstrate values that enable them to serve the patients best. One of my core values is caring. Caring is a crucial part of nursing since it helps in promoting healing and wellness among patients. It is a value that is highly regarded in the nursing practice as it contributes to a holistic nursing practice. The next core value is reliability which entails being depended upon to complete tasks successfully. This core value is particularly important since, as an advocate for patients and the profession, nurses are expected to be dependable in completing various tasks. 

Personal Mission And Vision Statement 

Mission and vision statements also form part of a leader’s philosophy (Miles & Scott, 2018). As part of my philosophy, my vision is to possess the ability to serve patients through holistic care in patient care settings. This vision implies that as a nurse, I purpose to ensure that the patients and their family members have better interaction with the healthcare professionals and get the best patient care in the hospital. My mission as a leader is to enhance organizational growth and create effective relationships through various aspects such as engagement, visionary leadership, and inspiration. 

Analysis Of The CliftonStengths Assessment 

The assessment accomplished on StrengthFinder Assessment revealed various interesting results about me. The top five themes, as revealed from the assessment, include learner, achiever, input, connectedness, and self-assurance. The learner theme implies that I have an incredible desire to learn and always long to improve continuously and that learning excites me more than the outcome (Gallup Inc., 2022). In addition, being a learner means thinking intensely whenever working on tasks that match areas of expertise. The next theme is an achiever. Individuals regarded as achievers have a great deal of hard work and stamina and take substantial satisfaction from being productive and busy. It also means taking pleasure in launching new initiatives and having the knowledge of how to get the projects moving forward. In addition, this theme goes with adopting a serious-minded approach whenever engaging in activities such as evaluating facts, data, evidence, research results, and the accuracy of reports. 

The next top theme is input. This theme involves having a craving to know more and collect and archive every kind of information. Besides, the input theme also means that I usually eagerly welcome opportunities to think about philosophies, theories, and ideas. In the event that I have to express opposition or when arguing a point, then I gain an advantage by using professional, academic, or highly technical terms. The next theme is connectedness. The theme of connectedness entails having faith in the links between all things and having a belief that there are few coincidences and that there must be a reason for every event (Gallup Inc., 2022). The last theme revealed from the assessment is self-assurance. Self-assurance involves feeling confident in the ability to manage personal lives. Therefore, I possess an inner compass that offers confidence that the decisions are right. 

Key Behaviors That I Wish To Strengthen 

It is vital to strengthen various behaviors for effective leadership. One of the behaviors is building a relationsh

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