NURS 6053 week 2 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue Upskilling of the Healthcare Workforce: A Pertinent National Healthcare Issue Affecting Healthcare Organizations in the United States

NURS 6053 week 2 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue Upskilling of the Healthcare Workforce: A Pertinent National Healthcare Issue Affecting Healthcare Organizations in the United States


There are many national healthcare stressors or issues affecting and impacting healthcare organizations all over the United States. All of them require addressing, although some are more urgent than others. The healthcare issue chosen in this case and one of the most significant stressors at the moment is the issue of upskilling of healthcare professionals. In this context, these would be the nurses working within the healthcare organization. According to Ross (2019), upskilling is the process of retraining employees so that they can acquire new skills for them to continue practicing in their field with ease NURS 6053 week 2 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue. Recent developments (particularly technological) within and around healthcare have necessitated the requirement that workers such as nurses possess skillsets that are upgraded. As a matter of fact, upskilling was identified as one of the six important healthcare issues in 2019 by PwC Health Research Institute (Ross, 2019). Currently, whole healthcare workforces are threatened with redundancy by technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) if they do not upskill. This includes nurses, who have traditionally not been involved with technology in the course of delivering nursing care (Teague, 2019). NURS 6053 week 2 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue


The impact to my healthcare organization of upskilling as a healthcare issue is immense. This is because emerging healthcare technologies are becoming more and more mandatory in diagnostics, therapeutics, and nursing care. Nurses are therefore finding themselves short of skills to deliver quality patient care. This makes the organization set aside resources to retrain and upgrade the skills of its nurses so that they can cope with the emerging technological changes. This, however, is an inevitably resource-intensive undertaking fir the organization. In my organization, for instance, the policy makers have already had to set aside funds for training of the nurses and other healthcare staff on the use of the recently introduced EHR. NURS 6053 week 2 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue. Already, upskilling is happening in the healthcare sector with the now standard requirement for electronic health records or EHR. That said, the hallmark of upskilling in healthcare is predicted to be artificial intelligence-assisted telehealth interventions (Teague, 2019).

Some of the Areas of Concern

Healthcare organizations must invest in the abilities of their workforce if they are to have a competitive advantage over their peers. Not doing so will of course render the organization unable to compete effectively in an ever-changing healthcare marketplace. For instance, AI is more and more used in healthcare at the moment. What this means is that rising sophistication of emerging medical technologies is driving the need for upskilled health workers (Ross, 2019). The advent of digital therapeutics is the other area of concern. This is the treatment of disease using healthcare technologies to complement or replace traditional methods in disease management. The reality is that the clinical validation of these digital therapeutics products and connected medical devices is already being done by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA (Siwicki, 2019). This is an indicator of the urgency with which upskilling of healthcare staff like nurses should be treated. NURS 6053 week 2 Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue.

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