NURS 6053 WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment.  Based on the results, how civil is your workplace?  Based on my workplace assessment, my facility received a score of mildly healthy. 

NURS 6053 WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment.  Based on the results, how civil is your workplace?  Based on my workplace assessment, my facility received a score of mildly healthy. 


Explain why your workplace is or is not civil.   As a nurse it is my responsibility to create a safe, ethical, civil workplace comprising of dignity and respect (Clark, C. M., 2015).  My past workplace is considered mildly healthy. I would consider my workplace in between civility and incivility. Based on policies, procedures, promoting safe environment. Hiring some of the best physicians and support staff, as well as continuing education requirements and support, my workplace is healthy.  However, the level of stress, patient overload, acuity and staff concerns, my workplace is not healthy. I strive daily to do what is right because it is right.  Everyone that I work with know that if you ask me, I am going to tell the truth and always treat patients with respect and dignity even though the patient may not be treating staff that way.  My manager would give me difficult patients and my co-workers knew that and some would even ask me to “swap” a patient with them.  The prevailing system of superiority and work overload was evident at my past job.  Working in surgery there are different elements to pre-operative environment.  Within the peri-operative environment, multi-faceted, are assessment nurses, lab, and chart room nurse.  There was never a clear understanding of the role of the chart-room nurse which posed many problems and challenges.  If that nurse did not want to confirm a critical lab, ekg, or issue to the surgeon, it would be brought back to the assessment nurse and at times would be reported to the supervisor.  There was a unhealthy relationship established before I began working there.  I had no idea.  According to Clark et al., (2011), “disruptive behaviors” are common and are often due to unclear roles and expectations, professional and personal value differences, as well as power struggles.  I tried to bridge this culture even though I was not in management by engaging with all sides to try to bridge the gap.  However, it was to no avail because feelings were deeper than I realized.  Our manager seem to favor the chart nurse as they were very close friends.  In lieu of this, I felt optimistic.  I attempted to come up with resolutions such as team talks but the chart room nurse did not want to engage. The foundation of good team building must be trust (Laureate Education, 20009u).  In the end, I am no longer there and from some of the nurses, these issues exist now.  It is so sad, because this could be an idea job for many nurses. Clark et al, 2011, states that these types of issues can be resolved by leaders who model role professionalism and effective communication skills.  In the end, I have learned, teams must have shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect -TEDx. (2017). 



Clark, C.M., Olender, L.,Cardoni, C,C., Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering civility in nursing education and practice.  The journal of Nursing Administration, 41(7/). 324-330 

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