NURS 8000 Week 3 Discussion: Intra- and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice

NURS 8000 Week 3 Discussion: Intra- and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice


Collaboration in nursing plays an integral role in ensuring the enhancement of quality services in nursing. The doctoral degree stresses the importance of the same as emphasized by the Institute of Nursing IOM report. The report reveals that partnerships between nurses and other healthcare professionals and with nurses themselves will play an integral role in enhancing the quality of services offered to patients. The presence of both intra- and interprofessional collaboration amongst nurses is fundamental as it will give the nurses the ability to handle complex medication issues (Fleming & Willgerodt, 2017). The above value is associated with the assertion that the modern-day healthcare environment is complex from the patient perspective and as such, more than one discipline is required during intervention. During the interprofessional and intraprofessional collaboration, the DNP or PhD nurse will enjoy shared knowledge and perspectives to improve the healthcare outcome regarding a patient and even issues affecting healthcare nationally. Indeed, collaboration will strengthen the ability of the nurse to perceive topics variedly and appreciate disparate outlook, which is important in their leadership roles in organizations or even nationally (Laureate Education, 2011d).

I think spiritual values do influence the decision to maintain academic integrity because otherwise, it would be hypocrisy. If one claims to be a spiritual being but cheats their way through life, then the question becomes who do we actually think we’re fooling? It is necessary to stay true to oneself and to choose the proper thing to do even when no one’s looking, to me, that’s the true definition of integrity. I also believe one must constantly work at or renew their spiritual beliefs because we’re all human without perfection so, at times will’s get weak and we envision success by taking the easier way out such as cheating on a test or taking credit where it isn’t due by putting our names on others’ work, committing infractions known to us as plagiarism but causing greater damage to the soul. We must remember every good thing worth having requires putting in the work required to achieve those goals. The constant struggle within to always do the right thing is understandable but, if we nourish the positivity more than we nourish the negativity, making the appropriate decisions become second nature and the struggle to make the desirable choices are lessened. It’s a greater sense of appreciation to know the goals achieved were achieved honestly and through hard work. When one puts in honest work, the process is respected!

The presence of collaboration across the healthcare spectrum is consequential to the role of a DNP or PhD prepared nurses in a number of ways. Fundamentally, the practice becomes efficient as shared decision-making makes it easier for the nursing profession to contribute immensely to the wellbeing of a patient (Jenkins et al., 2020. Moreover, the presence of such both collaborations improves communication between the nurses and members of other disciplines and amongst themselves. Also, the interprofessional collaboration may widen the scope of practice of nurses as they will be required to participate in making decisions in areas that may be traditionally a preserve of other specialties.

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