NURS 8000 Week 3 Discussion: Intra- and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Examples

NURS 8000 Week 3 Discussion: Intra- and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Examples


Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in a facility is a prime example of interprofessional collaboration. In such a program, both nurses and physicians play vital roles. The nursing and medical teams will collaborate towards the common goal of minimizing infections. The nurses were responsible for giving patient education and attending to the patients’ needs. In contrast, physicians collaborated with nurses to formulate the appropriate measures, including antibiotic infusions. In fact, the teams met every morning to review the particular needs of each patient and amend or develop a new solution. Consequently, such a collaboration would result in the realization of the desired outcome.
In addition, intraprofessional collaboration may occur when a nurse leader implements a morning huddle process for nurse leaders of different teams and even personnel. During these meetings, the nurses will discuss various concerns that affected the various units the day before. Indeed, staffing concerns, patient complaints, and ED wait times will be discussed. During the huddles, the nurses will be responsible with recommending solutions or methods for addressing the issues to their leaders. In addition, a plan of action will be developed as a result of the conference and communicated to other nursing units by their respective leaders. In doing so, the nurses will have acted intraprofessionally to resolve difficulties that affect their units on a regular basis.


Fleming, R., & Willgerodt, M. A. (2017). A model for enhanced health outcomes based on interprofessional collaborative practice and school nursing. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, volume 22 number 3, page 2, DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol22No03Man02.
P. Jenkins, J. Jones, A. Koutlas, S. Courtwright, J. Davis, and L. Liggett (2020). Developing the Boundaries of Doctoral Leadership Scholarly Roles Through Intraprofessional Nursing Education 360-374 in Advances in Nursing Science, 43(4).
Produced by Laureate Education (2011d). The professional function of the nurse with a DNP [Video file].
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