NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 2 Applying Library Research Skills Annotated Bibliography

NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 2 Applying Library Research Skills Annotated Bibliography


Bowdle, T. A., Jelacic, S., Webster, C. S., & Merry, A. F. (2022). Take action now to prevent medication errors: Lessons from a fatal error involving an automated dispensing cabinet. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 6(1).

This article is included due to its rigorous methodology, systematic review, and meta-analysis that assesses the effectiveness of barcoding technology in reducing medication errors. Published in a reputable peer-reviewed journal specializing in patient safety and risk management, it holds significant academic credibility. Given the contemporary relevance of barcoding technology in healthcare, this source provides valuable insights for healthcare practitioners and organizations seeking to adopt technology-driven solutions to enhance medication safety.

Kazi, R., Hoyle, J. D., Huffman, C., Ekblad, G., Ruffing, R., Dunwoody, S., Hover, T., Cody, S., & Fales, W. (2023). An analysis of prehospital pediatric medication dosing errors after implementation of a state-wide EMS pediatric drug dosing reference. Prehospital Emergency Care, 5(5), 1–7.

This article is included due to its systematic review of recent studies focusing on factors contributing to medication errors in emergency medical services (EMS). It provides a comprehensive overview of challenges specific to the EMS context and offers insights into targeted interventions and improved training. Published in a peer-reviewed journal specializing in prehospital care, the source is academically credible and relevant for healthcare professionals seeking to address medication errors in this high-stress setting.

Al Rowily, A., Aloudah, N., Jalal, Z., Abutaleb, M. H., & Paudyal, V. (2022). Views, experiences and contributory factors related to medication errors associated with direct oral anticoagulants: a qualitative study with physicians and nurses. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 17(5).

This article is included because it addresses the crucial aspect of medication reconciliation in mitigating medication errors and improving patient outcomes. It highlights the importance of this process in nursing practice and patient safety. Given the central role of nurses in medication administration, this source is highly relevant for healthcare professionals and organizations aiming to enhance medication safety through comprehensive reconciliation practices.

Chu, E. S., El-Kareh, R., Biondo, A., Chang, J., Hartman, S., Huynh, T., Medders, K., Nguyen, A., Yam, N., Succari, L., Koenig, K., Williams, M. V., & Schnipper, J. (2022). Implementation of a medication reconciliation risk stratification tool integrated within an electronic health record: A case series of three academic medical centers. Healthcare, 10(4), 100654.

This article is included due to its systematic review that assesses the impact of healthcare information technology on medication errors in hospital settings. Published in the Journal of Healthcare, while not exclusive to healthcare journals, it contributes valuable insights into the role of technology in reducing medication errors. Given the increasing integration of technology in healthcare, this source offers relevant information for healthcare professionals and organizations seeking to leverage IT solutions for medication safety enhancement.

Summary of the Learning

The process of developing the annotated bibliography underscored the critical importance of selecting credible and contextually relevant sources, exemplified by the inclusion of articles. These sources, published in reputable journals with rigorous methodologies and recent publication dates, met the criteria for source selection. Furthermore, the exercise highlighted the need for diverse perspectives, which emphasized nursing’s role and medication reconciliation alongside the technological focus of other sources. The role of technology emerged as a prominent theme, indicating its significance in contemporary healthcare (Chu et al., 2022). Additionally, the contextual nature of medication errors was underscored, as demonstrated by Al Rowily et al. (2022) recognized the importance of tailoring interventions to specific healthcare settings (Al Rowily et al., 2022). The exercise affirmed the necessity of utilizing recent sources to align with the evolving healthcare landscape. It highlighted the value of interdisciplinary insights to comprehensively

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