NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Attempt 2 Applying Ethical Principles

NURS FPX 4000 Assessment 3 Attempt 2 Applying Ethical Principles


Ethics are rules that help an individual in living a good life. These rules help in making decisions. Being a doctor has many responsibilities like helping others, keeping patients safe, and considering their values and wishes. In Community Hospital, Ana was delivered to Jenna and Chris. As a result of the birth, the parents and Ana have formed a strong attachment, and they have made it clear that they intend to raise Ana in the most natural way possible. The Smiths will not vaccinate Ana for the first six months, and she will be breastfed solely. The case study is about a family not agreeing to get their daughter vaccinated. The Smiths are well-educated and say they’ve done extensive research on immunizations and concluded that the risks exceed the benefits (Nakatudde et al., 2019).

The first thing that Dr. Kerr says is that, despite the recent controversy surrounding vaccines, she strongly advises Ana to get her entire round of shots. According to Dr. Kerr, who claims that vaccines have prevented millions of deaths in the last century, children have significantly benefited from vaccines. Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b, for example, has led to a drop in the number of cases of the potentially fatal infection. Individuals who are not protected against a pathogen, as in the case of the recent measles outbreak, are often the cause of epidemics like those seen in the past. Some children even have a weak immune system. Some doctors believe that these youngsters’ immunization is impossible due to medical reasons. Others are too young to be vaccinated against specific diseases. According to Dr. Kerr, after weighing the risks and advantages of immunization, most states require immunizations before children can enroll in school. However, some states allow parents to opt-out of vaccinating their children in certain circumstances (Nakatudde et al., 2019).

Dr. Kerr’s explanation has been understood by Jenna and Chris Smith, who reiterate that they do not wish to have Ana vaccinated at this time. Dr. Kerr is unsure what to do next and what ethical considerations must be made here.

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 Facts of the Case Study

The four major principles of ethical considerations are (1) Justice, (2) Beneficence, (3) Autonomy, and (4) non-maleficence.  In the West, patients’ autonomy is given a lot of respect. The European notion of respecting patients’ privacy is intertwined with the privacy rights. autonomy. In this case study, as per the autonomy principle, as the child is only five days old and cannot speak for herself, it is legally the right of her guardians to decide for her. The ethical concerns are that when Ana will grow up, what if she does not agree with her parents. It is important to protect her autonomy as well. Her right to decide for herself will be compromised (Zhang et al., 2021). The risk of disease-related death isn’t the only medical repercussion of not getting vaccinated. For unvaccinated children, long-term consequences could put them in danger. Your child’s immunization status must be communicated to medical workers if you contact 911, take an ambulance, visit a doctor, or enter a hospital emergency room (Rainer et al., 2018). As a result, medical professionals may be less familiar and experienced with the methods required to care for your child effectively if they are unvaccinated.

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Exclusion and quarantine are two possible outcomes of not vaccinating your child. Children who are sick or have been exposed to disease may have to be isolated from their friends and family. If a disease outbreak in your area, you may be requested to remove your child from school and other organized activities, leading your child to miss school and special events. Work and household income may be affected by your child’s medical condition or a lack of ability to perform daily tasks. Pregnant women who have not been vaccinated may be at risk of contracting infections that could jeopardize their unborn child. Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) can result in cardiac abnormalities, developmental delays, and deafness in a child whose mother has rubella during the first trimester. If their child becomes unwell due to a lack of vaccination, parents who refuse to vaccinate their children put other people at risk. Some people, notably those with weakened immune systems, cannot be vaccinated (e.g., those with leukemia or other cancers). These people are at risk of infection unless the broader public is pro

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